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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Pressure regulator setting on the hydraulic valve needs to be adjusted?
  2. My e7-350 used to only hit 25. Finally pressure tested the CAC and it had a crack vertically along the seam between the passenger side and the cooling crossover tubes. Symptoms were low boost, high pyro temps, 1000-1200 degrees easy. I'll bet your CAC issues aren't over, I'll bet you have a cracked CAC. You can buy PVC pipe end caps from Home Depot, install a valve stem in one and put each one in one of the rubber hoses on the CAC. Try pressurizing it. Don't go above 35 psi, but if it's cracked you'll hear it right away. My truck makes 31 psi now, pyro tops out around 900 degrees.
  3. You can buy a PVC pipe end cap that should fit into an intake boot somewhere; install a valve stem into it and pressurize with shop air. Does the turbo have a wastegate? Could have something going on there...
  4. Common on these at this age for the plastic fuel return lines that jump from injector to injector to crack and let air in when off. Any dampness up there indicates a problem. Strange that it hard starts immediately after shutdown but restarts after it's cooled down. Worn injector pump barrels?... We have an old Ford diesel pickup that got a "rebuilt" fuel pump that wouldn't start when hot. If you dumped a cup of cold water on the injector pump it would chill down the pump housing on the injector plungers and then it'd start. Pump shop gave us another pump free of charge.
  5. Crazier yet, there's people referred to as "Furries": people who think they're animals. There's kids whose parents advocate for schools to have litter boxes for their kids because their kids identify as Cats... Or dogs, or whatever else. ER nurse we know has run into this in the ER...
  6. Only ones pissed off are ones dumb enough not to understand that Abortion isn't in the Constitution so the Federal Govt has no business making Roe the "law of the land". "We the people" decide what our govt's Rights are through the Constitution, not the other way around. "We" never gave the US the authority to make Abortion Laws, so it's finally been struck down Federally and States can make whatever restrictive laws they want on it. Personally, I'd love Abortion to be outlawed entirely, but striking down Roe is still a huge win in my book. How can you kill your own child?
  7. FYI, the charge air cooler tends to crack. If the truck builds less than 30 psi boost and runs over 1000 degrees on the pyrometer then you need to be looking your charge air cooler for cracks. You can buy a couple pvc pipe plugs to clamp into the rubber intake tubes. Install a tire valve stem into one, and pressurize not more than 30 psi. Look for leaks!
  8. There's a fitting on the bottom radiator hose. Or it's on the bottom or left side of the radiator. If you don't care about making a mess, you can pull the compressor hose, but those tend to be very stiff. If you use the proper drain into a clean bucket, then you can re use the coolant.
  9. Around here, there's a stack in every Wawa lobby. Always relaxing to browse through all the used trucks on your lunch break. Also good to keep an eye on current prices of equipment so you can budget for what it'll cost you when you need to upgrade
  10. JoeH

    Hood scoop

    I have one...
  11. Check your fuse/circuit breakers. I believe that's "computer power loss with key on". You likely have weak contacts on your fuse for the VECU power. That's the easiest thing it could be. Wiggling the fuse should reveal the symptom. If not, could be a broken wire in the power circuit.
  12. In all seriousness, how many hours/week are you working for them? They know what the dealers charge. You're no where near the dealer rates. If your work is good then they're going to have to figure out how to factor your price increase into their cost structure. We're all in the same boat. Cement went up $10/ton in January, it's about to go up another $12/ton. That's not including the $3+/ton it's gone up on freight cost this year alone. Your groceries are going up too. Work to live, don't live to work!
  13. Tell these customers that your rates are going up. If they dump you then just park your service van and go drive tractor trailers.
  14. From the Google web. Ad said 1989, looks like engine are says 1985? Not sure which pump it has, but someone more familiar can figure it out. Says 20 degrees. E6, 350
  15. This will drive older used truck pricing up...
  16. FWIW, here's a "Note" on 4-1 in the VMAC III book. Not sure what is meant by "engine load threshold"
  17. Yup, been on the road 2 weeks now
  18. My MR688 tripped the 4-1 code a few times. We changed the crankshaft sensor when we changed the flywheel housing last week. If your flywheel housing says "Renault" on the top then I'd check it real close for cracks. Ours was cracked from the starter motor area over the top, and halfway down the passenger side. Apparently it's common for the Renault housings to crack. Ours was also leaving pretty hefty puddles of oil that would dribble out of the flywheel housing whenever the truck parked. Been running the truck on the road a week and a half no issues now, no leaks.
  19. 5.49 sounds like a dream, PA is $6.50+
  20. My repaired R model frame has sleeves centered on the outside of where the welds are. It's not just about making the crack go away, it's also about making sure the frame holds up. Mack has a book with "how to repair frames" properly. If you're going to do it, follow Mack's instructions...
  21. We have a steel frame truck that's had both rails welded, been running it for years. But no aluminum frames...
  22. Leaky fuel tanks can cause bad fuel mileage....
  23. How are the king pins? I assume these use a tie rod from left to right? How are the tie rod ends? I drove an oil delivery truck that had a nasty wobble, the trucks usual driver just put up with it. When I drove the truck I went straight to the tie rod ends and the one was horribly worn out, about ready to fall apart. Boss had the truck fixed the next day.
  24. Swim; haven't had time to put our lettering on the side of the mixer body, that's just one thing on the long "to do" list. More important is the brake S cam bushings are worn. Truck will be getting cam bushings and new slack adjusters soon, I have to adjust the brakes every morning.
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