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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. What year are truck/engine is it?
  2. I like closed shoulder/open center for my tire treads. Closed shoulder really helps each pair of tires to wear evenly. Open center gives that occasionally needed off-road grip. We replace tires one pair at a time. New pair goes on, old pair goes out to get capped, then it'll replace the next pair to get thin or blow a tire.
  3. Is the software/EECU the same? Id expect some minor brand software differences.
  4. Pictures don't show you much other than a plethora of wires. Double check, but I don't think there's any TCM. Just data sensors for the engine ECU. Trans temp, neutral safety switch, VSS, etc. You can see the PTO plate on top. Your best bet on donor will be a trash truck or an Oshkosh front discharge concrete truck. I have a 2000 MR688 cutoff with the HT740 cable shift, my 2003 MR688 has an HD4560 which has all sorts of electronics onboard. Pictures not posting, I'll try and get them up....
  5. Any codes? Long cranks before start sometimes means your either your cam or crank position sensor isn't reading.
  6. Vmac I, ii or III is which generation of electronics the truck has.
  7. Flywheel housing and flywheel are likely your biggest obstacles.
  8. Cable shifted HT740 is probably your best bet. Do you need a pto? The port on the 740 is literally on top, which can be a pain in the @$$ on space. I'll snap a picture of the HT740 I have sitting behind a spare engine from a 2000 MR688.
  9. $7 through your local Mack Dealer, shop manual # 8-501.
  10. You changed the coolant level sensor or the coolant temp sensor?
  11. Are you low on coolant? Not sure about the 1997, but the E7 ETECH engines use 2 oil sensors, one for the dash gauge and the other for the EECU or VECU. You need to make sure you replace the one for computers if that's the cause of the shutdowns. I'm guessing this engine is vmac I or vmac ii, I don't think vmac III was rolled out yet. If by chance it's vmac III you should be able to pull blink codes out of the check engine light. Typically the engine shutdown light is controlled by low coolant level and low oil pressure. Possibly high water temp too.
  12. I got a new phone so I don't have my pictures on it, but a crane is a fantastic toy to have. Got an engine to pull? No problem! Got frame rails on a truck inside the garage that need to come out? No problem! Got a dead tree you need to push over? No problem!
  13. I find that hard to believe. My '79 r686st doesn't have an hour meter it has an "engine revs x 100,000" meter. If you have a true hour meter on there then I expect it's not original, and not accurate.
  14. These trucks don't use fuses, they use circuit breakers. Overload them and they trip, then they reset themselves.
  15. What kind of truck are we talking about? I picked up a front cutoff with 3,900 hours and 14,000 miles. Was a NYC salt truck, had 3100 idle hours. They rotted the frame out in 800 hours of use....
  16. Whichever pays better and whichever gets you around your family more. You could always hire someone to drive the tipper.
  17. Look at Trump's kids. Now look at Biden's kids. Point made. There's one place politicians affect our every day lives, and that's our wallets. Things were better all around under Trump. On Abortion: a nation that murders it's infants has no future.
  18. No need to calibrate trim codes. My truck is running just fine without them. You can pull a wire off one EUP at a time while idling and see if the idle changes. Screw can't be removed, just loosen it a bit and the wire can be lifted off. You'll get a spark, no big deal. If one EUP doesn't affect the idle then that one is faulty or the wiring is faulty. But this test won't reveal broken springs. You've got to pull the EUP's and also their followers.
  19. I know this one first hand, lol. Managed to get our truck puffing on ether and as soon as we stopped cranking the EECU fired up and took over and kept it running.
  20. BMT would be a lonely place without your input.
  21. https://macktrucks.vg-emedia.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductId=6156 You can download the vmac III book for free from Mack or buy it from your dealer or online. Book # 8-211
  22. You made me second guess myself, had too look it up... 😎
  23. To check codes, key on, with cruise control OFF press/hold the set/decel rocker down until the lightning bolt goes off. Let go and count the 2 digit code it blinks out to you. Repeat until you get repeating codes. List codes here and someone can identify them for you if you don't have a copy of them.
  24. Also those injector lines run at 26,000psi. Yes, 26,000. DO NOT crack them loose while running, it will blow diesel fuel right into your skin and kill you.
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