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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Governor is probably set at 1850, which is probably about where peak horsepower is. In general an engine will tell you where it wants to run. Sounds like you're driving it about right.
  2. JoeH

    Sad date

    Haven't heard of this story; link?
  3. Serial number?... Send the VIN to the Mack museum in Macungie and they'll get you all the original build info for the truck; be courteous and give them a donation as donations are how they sustain their operations.
  4. You can buy new Mack upholstery for them, you don't have to invest in a new seat. Mack sells the seat covers. But if you want a new seat, I like the Legacy seat in mine.
  5. Maybe aluminum elephant pad holders too. I have an R model with 'em.
  6. Yes, it's an adapter plate. The plate sits on the floor via the "depressed" corners, which allows the bolt heads space for bolting the seat down. If the seat you buy doesn't match a set of holes just drill new holes in the plate. May have to do some mock up first to make sure the seat fits where you drill it, the R cabs really don't have much room behind the seat for reclining. About every seat I've had in a Mack R or DM rubs the rear glass.
  7. If this isn't a daily driver you might want to stick to a bostrom from a price stand point. Hard to justify a grand for a hobby truck seat. But if you're in it 40 hours a week then I'd say it's worth it. I think you can get just the foam and seat covers from Mack.
  8. This looks like the seat we have, but we paid about 750 for it 5 or 6 years ago. https://www.opentip.com/search.php?cPath=12515&products_id=11210630&gclid=CjwKCAjwtuLrBRAlEiwAPVcZBpoY-RoPJvXB08FhKcEvdaJKaT3edWJ7gKdf1X1Cjdl_5QvB1Z_gGRoCJrYQAvD_BwE
  9. Should be pretty universal, that plate on the floor unbolts and new seat will bolt to it. We put a Legacy? Seat in with armrests. Really nice seat, but the left arm rest interfered with the seat belt so we took that armrest off. Trans in the truck is an 8LL, so I don't need the slot under the right armrest very often. If your transmission pattern uses that gear slot much you'll want to avoid armrests, but if it's an 8LL you just lift the armrest up a few inches, pop it in low to start out and you're good to go.
  10. Looking at that tether, it's gotta be somewhere low along the crank skirt.
  11. Probably just the "puff limiter" got disconnected at some point. The puff limiter uses turbo pressure to control fuel rack travel in order to minimize smoke. It's not uncommon for people to disconnect the puff limiter in order to get the turbo spooled up faster. End result: your truck goes down the road like the RMS Queen Mary.
  12. There's more on there, just need to set the search parameters. Walking beam seems to be common for concrete mixer chassis, I imagine that'd be a stiff ride empty. You could put springs on instead. I drive a 2001 s/a freightliner oil truck in the winter, and I've driven a 2015 KW propane truck. They are nice to drive, the 2015 was a rocket even loaded. Watch out for speeding tickets and aggressive driving, the newer ones keep up with cars on takeoff, which can be dangerous.
  13. http://www.truckpaper.com/ListingsDetail/Detail.aspx?lp=TRK&OHID=27659059 2004 dm688s cab and chassis with a 400hp e7 and an Allison. Indiana.
  14. We are blessed to be the strongest country in the world, and to be honest it has led my generation (I'm 30) to become soft, never having a major war involving our country completely. I.E. Civil War, WWI & II all happened within 40-50 years since the previous war, affecting everyone in the country. It's been about 75+ years since WWII, and while we have had the Korean war, Vietnam War, Cold War, and War on Terror, my generation is the first in a long time to not have a Draft. I am genuinely priveleged and lucky to live in the "now" when we keep an active standing army continuously "training" overseas against live targets as Mack Tech pointed out. I have no doubt that this is a contributing reason we stay a Super Power, and I have no doubt that is intentional. Playing the world's police force also gives us an excuse to have our boys anywhere in the world at a moment's notice, which could be argued as unnecessary if one has "Isolationist" preferences regarding national actions.
  15. Wow. What're these people doing jumping in trailers??
  16. I avoid New York and up like the plague. Fortunately I never have any reason to go up there. Don't understand why someone would subject themselves to living there with that kind of traffic.
  17. My uncle drives for Giant's Peapod delivery; he would sing Oprah & showtunes til he found out management had cameras in the trucks and could watch their drivers whenever they wanted.
  18. http://www.truckpaper.com/ListingsDetail/Detail.aspx?lp=TRK&OHID=32709799
  19. Download the Truck Paper App on your phone. Thousands of Mack's for sale on there. You'll want to pick R686 for the model number to get the 285 horse maxidyne "300" in those years. I know very little about the 300+, don't know if it was an option in that range. Might have been an '80s thing.
  20. JoeH

    R795 V8

    And nobody ever bought an R model for creature comforts, you bought them for the job you need done and because they don't quit!
  21. A little pricey I suspect....
  22. I'll bet the turn signals on the front of the cab weren't LED. All you need is one tiny bulb to make the system work.
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