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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Should be under 12 tons?
  2. Was going to say that looks like an Allan Myers truck, then I read the plaque!!
  3. Aluminum frames wouldn't hold up to 1 year on Pennsylvania roads? Aluminum doesn't have a good enough fatigue cycle for our potholes? Still not sure what defines as a Hayward design. Longer hood? Too many tight twisty turns? Bridge laws here allow for more weight on a shorter wheelbase? Western hood is probably just an attempt at driver comfort and axle weight rating distribution? With allowance for longer engine? Maybe the Big 6 was gonna go out west but they canned it along with Hayward?
  4. Because of potential. Not making money means the stock value could be undervalued. A tweak here and there and getting the right people into management can turn a money loser into a winner. Also, products that are so good they never fail or can be fixed by anyone tend to run manufacturers out of business, because then they have to sell lots of trucks to compensate for not selling parts. But many people can't afford new trucks and buy used. Apart from elephant pads and a thermostat and brakes and a couple hubs my 95 rd688s e7-350 hasn't needed a thing since we bought it in 2007. Had the valve covers off once to check valve adjustments and that's it. 19,007 hours on the motor. Mack/Volvo doesn't make money on that.
  5. Is there anything Rob doesn't know how to do? 🤓
  6. They're both single axles. I think he wants to restore one of them someday, but he owns an oil delivery company and growing propane company, don't know where these fit in his plans.
  7. It's functionally about the same as a wheel loader with that face bucket. Only real difference is that instead of driving from the scoop to the dump it just rotates. Working weight is 210 tonnes, wonder how much weight per scoop....
  8. Got you all a couple pictures while dropping off a sandblaster I borrowed from a friend. Not sure if they drive, every few years they're parked somewhere else on his property. One or both of them are gassers.
  9. Prior to air dryers they used alcohol. Just drain tanks then suck some air system alcohol through the compressor intake before winter time.
  10. You have a hand primer on it?
  11. Pull your valve covers, maybe you have a bent exhaust valve not closing all the way. With engine running, apply pressure to each rocker and see if somebody isn't working right... A quick visual comparison can quickly rule out potential mechanical failures. A valve not closing would also let combustion continue in the exhaust pipe, which would be hotter than completed combustion. And it'd probably sound like an exhaust leak. Because it kinda is.
  12. Is the 3M for the dash panels? What do you use as a new panel underneath the 3M? I have a few trucks that could benefit from new dash panels...
  13. Probably worked in the woods, 2300 miles of off-road only. Maybe hauled logging equipment on site? I know nothing about logging.
  14. Someone told me a few years ago that UPS saw a 15% uptick in fuel consumption when Biodiesel or w/e was mandated, which has 15%? less emissions. I've never verified it, so it's just hearsay, haven't looked into it. Kinda negates the effort if it's true.....
  15. No the story implies they weren't a contract bid purchase. They were a last minute "hey we need trucks can you get us a few?" These trucks weren't built for the military, but they wound up filling the job last minute. More of a cash transaction sort of deal than negotiated bid contract.
  16. Good history, impressive how many generations they've made it, usually family businesses fall apart by the 3rd generation.
  17. That's a nice truck. Neat history. My first bike was a 1976 Honda cb750. Still have it, don't ride anymore though. That whole new daddy thing, too many crazies texting on the roads.
  18. If he won't drive a real truck maybe offer him one o these...
  19. Found out on a business trip in Iowa they use salt brine on their gravel roads about twice during the summer. Salt attracts moisture, which keeps the dust down. I'd guess western Carolinas, Tennessee, Arkansas?
  20. Squashing worker rights? You have the right to work for someone. Don't need a union to negotiate that. Figure out what you need to make to live, divide it into 40 hours/week over 52 weeks, throw a little extra on top and tell em that's what you need to make during your hiring interview. Not that hard, just gotta be ready to justify why you're worth that much.
  21. That I would replace. Hard to keep cracks from spreading. Some of the metal used in there is 1/2 inch thick. Your welds will need to be at least as thick to bridge the two pieces being joined back together. But the crack is in there and it's just a matter of time til it spreads.
  22. On my 8lolo Eaton trans you can't use the Lolo switch in high range. I would not use them in high range, use it with the intended shift pattern. Typically lo lo ranges are not designed for the amount of torque applied under full acceleration on the road.
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