Wound up being real easy:
Double check on my Mack Flash Drive P/N 23-021 (has every wiring harness of every Mack chassis from 2000 to about 2020/2021) to compare the switch circuit/wire codes from the 2000 MR688 donor truck to my 2003 I'm working on. Circuit identical.
Found wire VJ1-10-0.8 on the 2000 harness which is on my shelf. Appears to go to parking knob area.
Got 2000 MR688 dash panel out of storage box, park knob has 2 sensors on it!
Went to my 2003, only has one sensor, but has a plug in other port!
Found wires nearby, VJ1-10-0.8 is intact, taped to its pair 17-A-0.8 which has been cut short and the end electrical taped.
"Borrowed" a sensor from the 2000 dash park knob which I hate doing, but I used the label maker to leave a note for future use; repaired wire end 17-A-0.8 plugged it all together and ran the test light. System functional, I'll be heading to the dealer hopefully today to get the software side cleaned up! Will post results later!