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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. I think Rob or someone was about maxed out on picture uploads, he might have deleted posts to make room for more pictures.
  2. I have no doubt someone here will be very eager to take them off your hands!
  3. I've got a U single axle dump with the long handles. I forget if it's a + cab or not.
  4. It takes a special crew to be willing to drive trucks that old today. AND must be hogging all the good drivers.
  5. Wow. That truck could have gone on that pull til it ran out of fuel. I'd be worried about that truck frame, that's a lot of torque to hold the front of the ground, let along that far up!
  6. Yeah I found them on Google maps. No website, one B Mack in the lot, if they have more trucks they must be on the road or have a satellite lot. That lot by the tracks doesn't look big enough for more than a truck or two, especially if they have to store customers trucks to work on.
  7. She says the world will end in 12 years if we don't do something drastic now. Her green new deal is estimated to cost 75 Trillion dollars. 8-15 trillion dollars of that estimate is to combat the climate change that will end the world. If the world was going to end in 12 years, wouldn't you put a little more of that 75 Trillion towards saving the planet?
  8. Could have been a quarry or site truck too. You can load as much weight as you can stuff into the dump body so long as you don't touch the road.
  9. What's they switch to, kenworths? Or did they shut down?
  10. That's what I was thinking. 65k dumped into both of those trucks would give you a couple really nice (older) trucks. But I know the drivers are pushing for granites, they do ride really nice.
  11. Some of those trucks were really rough. This one will get painted white and should give us a couple decades of service at the least. I expect some of the others will make their way into similar hands. Or they'll go to the Coopersburg Kenworth salvage yards for parts so we can all keep our old trucks running, because we all know Volvo won't help us out with these old trucks....
  12. So the ReMack engine is failing emissions? I hope it has a warranty, I know very little about them. There's a thread on here somewhere recent about how to liven up your AI460. Read the thread and wait for someone who actually knows about this engine! 😎
  13. On my phone I change the aspect ratio to 3:4 or something like that in editing mode and it cuts the file size down to about 1.2 MB. Wouldn't let me post here til I figured that out.
  14. What were the daily problems and the major breakdown with your 93 and 94? As long as the double frames are solid and not splitting apart from rust you could rebuild the engines in the frame. Go through the driveshaft and replace all the u joints if they're suspect. We just did insulators in our Camelback rears, they take a day to do, cost us about $700 in parts. Brakes are easy to do at the same time. Synflex air tubing is relatively cheap and easy to replace while you're at it. Our fleet consists of a 1979 R686ST, a 1995 RD688S, and a recently acquired 1988 RD690S to replace a 1980 DM686SX. Old is just fine, though your driver's will grumble. We test drove a 2004? Granite when we were looking to replace our 1980, and man it was nice. I'd never driven a Mack newer than our 95 RD, but the granite fit like a glove. Was used to the truck before I even pulled out of the dealer lot on the test drive. But the double frame was cracked right behind the cab and it was air ride(terrible off-road) and had roughly 1,250,000 miles. If I had your money I'd be after a couple early model year granites, but my dad and I are the only ones that drive our trucks so we stick with Reliable instead of New(ish). Our 1979 never misses a day of work, with the exception of routine maintenance and planned repairs, like last year's engine brake delete.
  15. Because he is rammy, always full throttle til the last second when he has to stop before hitting someone? Put a cab cam in.
  16. Same Mack's have it on the flywheel, the older ones I'm familiar with have it on the damper.
  17. Sounds like a relay gone bad. Relay clicking in the dash is not transmitting power through. Probably needs to be replaced. (Solenoid/relay same thing. It'll probably technically be called a solenoid at the parts counter)
  18. Nothing wrong with minority ownership, but if you're going to own trucks you have to keep them safe! If you can't afford to take trucking seriously then get out of the business before you kill someone! (The rhetorical "you", not you!)
  19. Wow. We replace our drums when they get 1/8" lip inside. We don't run a nice new fleet, but we maintain our trucks to be safe.
  20. If it's still running in 2019 it probably has a good camshaft. You can pull engine codes and post them here, I just wrote up the instructions in another thread, I'll post a link.
  21. JoeH

    Mack MR model

    Of course it is, it's a Mack! The things we've made our fleet do over the years always leave an impression on customers. I was backing up my R686ST along the street one time, customer was walking next to me with a wheelbarrow and asked if I wanted to race. So I started shifting gears backing up, you would think he crapped his pants he was so surprised. Nothing like the 2 sticks!
  22. JoeH

    Mack MR model

    It would be for a volumetric concrete mixer. Gotta be able to hop curbs, get into and out of people's back yards, etc without any drama. An MR could utilize a shorter wheelbase to keep maneuverability. Cab sits a little higher off the ground than an LE, helping it hop curbs and transition to hills in people's yards without plowing the cab into the ground. Good to know they exist, but I'll bet they're few and far between, which will make finding a used one the right length difficult.
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