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    Truck driver, hard worker, single dad raising my son all by myself, animal lover, just a really good guy.

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  1. Do you know anybody who's done this swap? I'm worried about the gearing, if i'm gonna be okay or not? Like, if i'm fully loaded, will I still be able to take off out of a driveway on a steep hill...... Are my pto's all gonna be different. This potentially puts me out of business, depending on the outcome $$$$$$$ I'm terrified 🥺 this is the info on my truck.
  2. I was hoping on getting some insight on doing a swap, Mack 18 to Eaton 18. My Mack tranny needs to be replaced and parts are hard to get and very expensive. I can purchase a very good Eaton 18 For quite cheap from a good buddy of mine. What's everybody's thoughts, please help? 2007 Mack Granite.
  3. Thank you everyone for all your advice, I really appreciate it 🙂
  4. Thank you so much for your time🙂 my question now is would this be a pretty good truck for me to buy? Are they reliable? It has 250,000km and 18,000hours on it, lots of idle time. When its -40 in the oil patch they don't turn the trucks off. And can you tell if it has full lockers? Thanks again my friend!
  5. "1m2ag10c07m056941" I'm thinking about buying a 2007 Mack truck and I was hoping somebody can decode this number and tell me if there's any problems with this truck? Any recalls? Or if it's a good reliable truck? I'm hearing mixed reviews from different mechanics, some people tell me it's a good truck and very reliable and then I have other mechanics Tell me it's a big piece of crap. I Know Anything could happen after I buy the truck but I just want to know in general if it is a good reliable truck?
  6. Motor problems like always being fixed? or just gutless because I can live with not having a ton of power?
  7. I'm planning on quitting my job of 15 years driving a vac truck. I am single dad and I am betting the farm with buying my own truck, I cannot screw this up and fail for my son who is 7 years old. I don't know anything about Mack Trucks and I am looking at buying this truck it is a 2007 Mack CV713 Al-460 460hp 18 speed 250, 000km , any pros or cons would be gratefully appreciated. Any recalls that anybody knows of ? Or is this a good reliable truck? Thank you everyone😁 1m2ag10c07m056941
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