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Everything posted by Vac-Daddy

  1. Maxitorque/Eaton Fuller swap is done and i started working my truck yesterday. I'll tell you, she shifts like butter with this new transmission πŸ™‚ final bill was $20,657.60 that includes a brand new rebuilt Eaton Fuller 18-speed transmission, brand new clutch, brand new pto, new drive shaft, and miscellaneous parts and labor. A remand Maxitorque was 20k plus shipping and tax from the USA to Canada, the clutch would have been extra, and new pto would have bin 6k for my setup. I would not been able to use my existing pto because when the tranny started, failing, parts fell to the bottom and broke the gears to the pto. Today will be my first full day working my truck. I have put on approximately 150miles and everything was working great so far πŸ˜€
  2. Actually 30,000 hours 🀣 lol gutless but runs good, if the motor blows up next week, I will do another swap 😎
  3. Swap is going great. Bought an Eaton Fuller 18918b for 2k. Proper bellhousing for 1k. My transmission guy put new internals in, so she's pretty much new. Transmission is ready to go back in my truck. I have the PTO sorted out. All I had to do was call westech, the company who it took my truck when it was brand new and built the vacuum system. I gave him my vin# he sent me original pictures of the build. Told me everything i could possibly know about my truck. There were two choices for the PTO, It was pretty awesome πŸ™‚ PTO is not cheep! $4700 😳 i will have all the numbers $$ once the truck is completely done. Looks like it's gonna be about half of what it would have cost going with a Maxitorque πŸ₯³ i asked him what happens next month when my motor blows up? He said we'll do another swab not a problem 😁
  4. Everybody's been helpful and great. I wished most of them are merry christmas. That one guy, He is a complete jerk off. So, sorry but it's true.
  5. A remand is 17k plus core of 5k plus shipping and tax of %14 here in Canada, shipped from the USA. New is 25k-30k plus shipping and tax. I already started my swap πŸ™‚ Ended getting an almost new Eaton Fuller for 2k cash, no core. You could order my truck new in 2007 with Maxitorque or Eaton. I found a brand new Eaton to Mack Bell Housing for 800$ cash. Now I only need to sort out my pto and drive shaft. I'm working with a shop who do these swaps quite often. It's really a no brainer. I will keep everybody updated. Merry christmas! Iwill keep everybody updated πŸ™‚
  6. A remand is 17k plus core of 5k plus shipping and tax of %14 here in Canada, shipped from the USA. New is 25k-30k plus shipping and tax. I already started my swap πŸ™‚ Ended getting an almost new Eaton Fuller for 2k cash, no core. You could order my truck new in 2007 with Maxitorque or Eaton. I found a brand new Eaton to Mack Bell Housing for 800$ cash. Now I only need to sort out my pto and drive shaft. I'm working with a shop who do these swaps quite often. It's really a no brainer. I will keep everybody updated. Your answer was absolutely no help and a waste of my time reading it, but thank you. Hope you and your family have an amazing Christmas keyboard warrior lol
  7. Lol ok keyboard warrior. I will keep everybody up to date on the swap.
  8. A remand is 17k plus core of 5k plus shipping and tax of %14 here in Canada, shipped from the USA. New is 25k-30k plus shipping and tax. I already started my swap πŸ™‚ Ended getting an almost new Eaton Fuller for 2k cash, no core. You could order my truck new in 2007 with Maxitorque or Eaton. I found a brand new Eaton to Mack Bell Housing for 800$ cash. Now I only need to sort out my pto and drive shaft. I'm working with a shop who do these swaps quite often. It's really a no brainer. I will keep everybody updated.
  9. You bet, it may need a new PTO. my current mechanic is a transmission and PTO specialist. That's his thing. He told me that's easy, peasy, don't even worry about it. he said finding the proper bellhosing, is probably the hardest part and it took me 3 phone calls.
  10. I'm pretty excited and I'm going to keep everybody up-to-date on this post. I'm sure more people are interested in doing this swap. As the prices for older maxietorque transmission are ridiculously expensive.
  11. A few days ago I posted, "I needed help figuring out if I could do this swap". I've done a lot of research and luckily enough. My truck came with either a maxitorque or an Eaton Fuller. I have a 2007 Mack Granite CV713 AI-460. There's actually a shop quite close to me who specializes in this swap. 25k canadian plus shipping and tax for new Maxitorque 18 Not including clutch or install. I bought an almost brand new Eaton Fuller 18 for 2k no core charge. $800 for new bell housing, Mack to Eaton Fuller πŸ™‚ now I need a new longer driveshaft and it looks like my pto will bolt right up, i'm sure there'll be a few other gremlins to work out πŸ™‚ i will keep everybody up-to-date on the swap. As i'm sure there's lots of people out there want to do this! IMG_20241223_183825.heic IMG_20241223_183829.heic
  12. Started the swap. It's actually quite common I found out, in my city. Found the proper bellhousing, Mack motor to Eaton Fuller. Went and bought the 18 speed Eaton today. My PTO should bolt right up. i will have to get a different drive shaft. And a few other little things πŸ™‚ i'm lucky because my truck came with either a maxitorque or an Eaton πŸ€” the price on a new maxi torque for me is 25k Vanadian. Ordered out of the USA, then I would have to pay shipping and taxes, plus clutch plus install lol no thank you! I can purchase a brand new Eaton Fuller off the shelf in my city, where I live forIMG_20241223_183829.heicIMG_20241223_183825.heic 7k. It is a no brainer 🀯
  13. Do you know anybody who's done this swap? I'm worried about the gearing, if i'm gonna be okay or not? Like, if i'm fully loaded, will I still be able to take off out of a driveway on a steep hill...... Are my pto's all gonna be different. This potentially puts me out of business, depending on the outcome $$$$$$$ I'm terrified πŸ₯Ί this is the info on my truck.
  14. I was hoping on getting some insight on doing a swap, Mack 18 to Eaton 18. My Mack tranny needs to be replaced and parts are hard to get and very expensive. I can purchase a very good Eaton 18 For quite cheap from a good buddy of mine. What's everybody's thoughts, please help? 2007 Mack Granite.
  15. Thank you everyone for all your advice, I really appreciate it πŸ™‚
  16. Thank you so much for your timeπŸ™‚ my question now is would this be a pretty good truck for me to buy? Are they reliable? It has 250,000km and 18,000hours on it, lots of idle time. When its -40 in the oil patch they don't turn the trucks off. And can you tell if it has full lockers? Thanks again my friend!
  17. "1m2ag10c07m056941" I'm thinking about buying a 2007 Mack truck and I was hoping somebody can decode this number and tell me if there's any problems with this truck? Any recalls? Or if it's a good reliable truck? I'm hearing mixed reviews from different mechanics, some people tell me it's a good truck and very reliable and then I have other mechanics Tell me it's a big piece of crap. I Know Anything could happen after I buy the truck but I just want to know in general if it is a good reliable truck?
  18. Motor problems like always being fixed? or just gutless because I can live with not having a ton of power?
  19. I'm planning on quitting my job of 15 years driving a vac truck. I am single dad and I am betting the farm with buying my own truck, I cannot screw this up and fail for my son who is 7 years old. I don't know anything about Mack Trucks and I am looking at buying this truck it is a 2007 Mack CV713 Al-460 460hp 18 speed 250, 000km , any pros or cons would be gratefully appreciated. Any recalls that anybody knows of ? Or is this a good reliable truck? Thank you everyone😁 1m2ag10c07m056941
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