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About TakacsB67

  • Birthday 01/20/1980

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  1. Thanks a bunch I think I will stick with the naturally asperated set up. Sound like to much work & money. DT
  2. Thanks for the advice.
  3. Hey everyone: I was woundering is it do able to install a turbo onto a stock END673 Diesel or are there any special modifications needed to be made to the engine or the system? Woundering if I can juice up my B67 a bit. DTakacs
  4. Hey everyone, I have recently joined to see what info everyone has on good old B models. I am 25 and live in Allentown, Pennsylvania just down the street from World Headquartes. I had just purchaced a 1961 B67 single screw to work on. It has its share of minor issues but not to many. I have always had a passion for the B-Model, I grew up in a family my grandfater worked at the Headquartes in maintenace and My dad work on the fire line, then mounted cabs in Macungie and then ran the dyno there too. Unfortunately he took the buy out when went to South Carolina. So I found this great B-Model for a great deal and I hope to show tribute to my late grandfather who loved and the trucks. And to have my father help out and remenber the best times of . D.Takacs Jr Barry thanks for this site and for the help with the battery question.
  5. That sounds great...I will start there. Is there any special place to purchace these types of batteries? Thanks for this info Barry.
  6. Hey all.....I figured I would start asking around about the type of batteries to install in my B67. I would like to see if she'll fire up. Not sure of the starting sytem yet Pos or Neg, But any advice to get started would be greatly appreciated.
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