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About marvgarr

  • Birthday 04/23/1987


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    kingman az

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    trucks mostly engines something about motors that gets me acting like a kid
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  1. kingpins are around 350 depending on were you get them torque rod you replace the whole rod not just the bushings the rod around 150
  2. that should be your brake valve e6 I believe if its leaking out the the rubber flat on the back could be a brake chamber back feeding through or relay valve or the valve it self take some needle nose vise grips and pinch off each supply hose to each brake chamber tell you find it dont use the same vise grips buy four of them if you dont have them already sometimes you have more then one chamber feeding back if the air does not stop remove your signal line to your relay valve and see if there is air coming out of valve through signal port the signal line is from e6 brake valve (the one that is leaking) to the relay valve should be on top of valve if there is no air then I would suspect your brake valve is bad
  3. maybe a piece of junk got hung up in the low air pressure switch thats what turns the light off are all the tanks 120 psi both primary and secondary might not have air getting to them throught the wet tank bad check valve
  4. do you mean the brake valve........ what kind of trk....... pics...... could be brake chamber bleading through innner seals in maxi's
  5. only two ports not a check valve does not hold air in ether direction but seems to limit the air a little when air is put in the direction it was installed does have an arrow took valve apart has big long spring metal disk and in the bottom there is another chamber with a metal ball this valve is in the line from the bake valve to the relay valve for rear brakes this trk does not have front brakes
  6. does anyone know what this valve is and what it does
  7. love macks sadly I had to sell mine 3 years ago to move the family but always looking for another b model right now I have a 1957 peterbilt 281 234 wb nto cummins spicer 8251 5 spd main spicer 4 spd aux rockwell double reduction rear end 5.91 ratio looking at another 281 a 56 but is in sad shape would love another mack though
  8. RIP ben bruckners was a good place for parts and service even it was not a mack I delt with bruckners in farmington nm it is a shame he has passed
  9. I do know there is a lot of axle twist when empty with this suspension but I do like the disign has more axle loading on uneven ground comes in handy with only one drive and a tag
  10. well I have a nhb cummins non turbo that was turned into a nto 262 by putting on a t50 turbo and a 262 pump from what I heard cummins did this all the time did they change serial numbers on the engine when they converted them my engine serial number does not match my build sheet engine number the build sheet says nto on it and the date code on the engine says 1957 which is what year the truck is
  11. how hard is it finding parts for the page and page suspension also anyone know 743 cummins motors like the back of there hand
  12. Name: mack b63sx (1957) Date Added: 05 December 2008 - 06:24 AM Owner: thermodyne b63 Short Description: its rusty but not rusted through good shape long frame and rough riding but its a worker View Vehicle
  13. hello everyone got a question for you i am buying a 281 pete i know its not a mack but my question is about the hood that is on this truck its wide and has headlights like the 80s kws had same chrome cover as the old kws put its a peterbilt hood has all the emblems and everything its just square not needle nose like a 281 should be is this an aftermarket hood might be better if i get pics but my camera is not working right now i do think its steel as it was not that heavy when i lifted it up please help its driving me crazy thanks marvin ps the specs for this truck are engine nhb cummins trans think its a spicer 5 spd not sure aux trans spicer 4 spd drive axle eaton douple reduction tag axle 4000 gal water tank
  14. how is everyone its been a long time since ive been on here just sent garth a message to see how my old mack is doing wish i could find one around here love these old trucks well got to go see you all later
  15. the only cat motors that are any good are the 3406b and the 1693 the clatterpiller thats what i think
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