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Everything posted by marvgarr

  1. yea its a cat key ignition switch
  2. yea i have one rs700l emblem in good shape just needs to be shined up also rob i have one rl700l emblem if you want it for some reason all my trucks lose the emblem on the passenger side but i have one of each so let me now also this is a parts truck if you need anything else let me no there is no motor or trans or rear ends
  3. well i got some of the parts in for the gauge panel
  4. yes the weight is a factor the motor alone is 1400 lbs and the trans would be around 600 or 700 but it would be cool its not going to pull or haul anything just be a work truck i no it will fit with some mods on youtube they put a 6v53 in a power wagon
  5. thanks for your help might just get the adapters then
  6. i want to put a detroit 6v53 and a 10spd eaton trans in my 71 chevy 3/4 ton and use a light duty truck axle out back with the 10 bolt wheel pattern or the 10 bolt adapters for the 8 bolt axle and use 22.5 rims and tires would be a nice combo now anyone no what trucks had a light duty axle with the 10 bolt wheel bolt pattern i rather go with that so i can use the same u joint instead of an adapter drive shaft
  7. you guys hear abought that coal ash spill in tenn kingston power plant thats crazy i work at the aps power plant here in the four corners we haul all the ash out of the plant we use the bottom ash for roads and dams and dykes we also haul the fly ash that i hate its nasty real fine finer the flower gets into motors, seals everything we distroy trucks in the flyash and equipment to just throwin money down the drain and when its windy it will sand blast you to shreds and give you breathing problems for life thats flyash that flooded tenn nasty it wont hurt you if you touch it but it does have mercury iron and sulfuric acid in it so dont eat it as i have you cant help it when the wind blows all the dams and dykes we have got motion detectors buried 30 feet into the dykes if it even shakes a little there out there inspecting it we drive on them all the time with trucks and never tripped a sensor so we must be doing something right as we built all those dykes except for the lake dam witch is over 50 feet deep its real crazy when you see it and drive down to the bottom all you can think of is if the dyke gave way what will you do but the plant is over 50 years old and no problems so we will see
  8. sorry rob i have rs700l emblems on my truck which is trashed now because a driver backed into it on christmas and distroyed the hood and it was a new hood because 3 months ago another driver backed into it and thrashed the hood and radiator this truck just loves distroying hoods
  9. this is why i always put a battery disconnect on the trucks i got that and some of them always ran the battery down
  10. i have alot of respect for batteries now because when i was 14 i was charging a battery for a truck and when i took the cable clamp off the battery it sparked and blew up in my face i am def in my right ear now from that when i charge a battery now i turn off the charger when i connect it or disconnect it a couple of weeks ago one of my employees was charging a battery and he had the charger on and when he took it off it blew up but he was out of the way so no damage just a bunch of acid on his coveralls there all eatn up now that acid is nasty stuff
  11. merry xmas to you and all that are members here
  12. you guys are great thanks for the enthusiasm the wife and i really like this property we are trying to buy so we will see i hope i can loan the 10000 from someone
  13. well the house im getting the onwer is willing to carry the papers just need 10,000 down and its mine hope i can get 10,000 i will let you no
  14. well im trying to buy my first house i hope with all this going on nowadays ill still be able to do it will be hard though dont have no credit but dont have no dept nether no car payments nothing have a damn good job too so we will see i need to do something as we will be out of this rental in may so need a place to go wish us luck we need it
  15. the road draft tube might be clogged had that happen on a endt673 but it was pushing oil out the rear seal found out the road draft tube was plugged after cleaning it never leaked again
  16. rob did you get those pictures
  17. i have a set of emblems for you rob they came off my rl700l when i replaced the hood because someone backed in to it ill snap some pics when i get to the shop on monday
  18. thanks that will be great
  19. started on the interior got the gauge panel painted and started restoring the tach and speedo just need to cut the glass and there done need to order the gauges and switches let me no what you think
  20. anyone have a picture of the headliner and cab back that the b store sells or one that is original any pics will be great to see what it looks like
  21. sounds like a good party
  22. thats alright shes in a warm shop now cleaned out the shop down the street i have im starting on the interior right now when i have time we got hit with a real bad storm this week so ive been out salting the roads 24-7 so not a lot of time but im working on it at least shes out of the snow
  23. thanks ill get the mats after im done with the interior let me no when you get those cables i need them bad
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