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Everything posted by marvgarr

  1. i think they are little automatics and everyone knows that an automatic needs hydraulic pressure to work so that may be why it has to be going 18 mph because a typical auto has the engine running the pump on the trans this unit uses the driveline so you have to be moving for the pump to work just my thought
  2. ok hey liner kit is 140 dollars for that motor you need three but that includes piston, liner,and rings a liner is 50 dollars if you need to replace them
  3. right hand side of the block in the upper rear corner look at the pic i posted in the previous post
  4. not sure joe there should be 8 digit model number on top of the serial number like this
  5. let me no what the numbers are and i can tell you just about everything
  6. ill check for sleeves and rings for you head bolts will be fine an overhaul kit is 600 that includes sleeves pistons rings gaskets bearings thats all i can find right now the engine number and serial number are stamped on the right hand side of the block in the upper rear corner
  7. no problem there is a chance the motor will be damaged but if you pull the head and it is realy rusted then just get some sleeves and a set of rings drop the pan and go from there there real easy to work on but like i said set the rack right or you will be in trouble if the sleeves are just a little rust and its soaked with atf or pb then you can hone it out might burn a little oil but its a cheap fix
  8. well were all friends here always around to help just sometimes a little slow but anyway i like to use atf to unstick an engine (i have to do that to my lincoln welder it has a 2-71 detroit damn cover blew of over the winter) but ive also seen marvel oil used and diesel but dont no how well it works the atf works as does pb blaster best thank to do is pull the injectors out and pour it down the hole and let it sit keep adding to it for a couple of days and start to work it back and forth dont force it take it slow last thing you want to do is mess up a ring land if that doesnt work youll have to pull the head and thats easy to do 53s dont have head gaskets just o rings for the water holes and a big rubber rope for the out side of the head and the block one thing you want to do is if you pull the head off or the injectors make sure you set the rack right or youll have a RUN AWAY and it ant fun there will be broken pieces every were i have a manual for the 53s so if you need help im here
  9. your right scott it all comes down to proper maintenance both filters are good they each have there applications if you run on the highways the paper is great if you run on the dirt oil bath for long life i also think the oil bath is more quit but i could be wrong
  10. an oil bath airfilter is the best filter you can get they filter far better than a paper filter paper filters dont filter fine dust and when they get dirty its worse they pull the dirt through ive seen it why do you think old motors last so long cause they have an oil bath i now my b is clean with its oil bath p.s just some useless info volkswagen never put an oil filter on there motors i mean the oil vws and when they were asked why they didnt put an oil filter on they said because it has an oil bath air filter with the oil bath it filters so good that the oil never got dirty ive owned many of vws and never lost a motor my sandrail that sees dirt all its life is still running strong after 11 years so there you go like i said just some useless info
  11. the 6v53 is the same length and height as a 4-53 but is 40 inches wide compared to 27 so need some room for a 6v53 also a 4-53 weighs 1100 and the 6v53 weighs 1400 might just get a 4-53 for an upgrade your choice though now your 3-53 is 33 inchs long and width is 27 inchs and 35 inchs tall just for refrence it goes as this engine model horsepower rpm length width height weight 2-71 68 2000 32 27 41 960 3-53 101 2800 33 27 35 965 3-71 113 2100 36 29 41 1525 3-53T 131 2500 33 29 40 1000 4-53 140 2800 39 27 37 1110 4-53T 175 2500 40 32 37 1300 4-71 160 2100 42 29 42 1780 4-717 190 2100 44 31 44 1830 6V-53 216 2800 39 40 37 1485 6V53T 223 2500 39 37 41 1695 6-71 238 2100 54 29 39 2190 6V-71 238 2100 41 39 48 2010 6V-92 276 2100 41 39 47 1960 6V-71T 277 2100 41 40 53 2080 6-71T 285 2100 56 32 50 2240 8V-71 318 2100 47 39 51 2310 6V-92T 322 2100 41 39 52 2005 8V-71T 362 2100 50 40 53 2496 8V-92 368 2100 48 39 51 2345 8V-92T 430 2100 48 39 52 2395 12V-71T 475 2100 60 46 57 3120 12V-92 540 2100 69 47 50 3910 12V-71T 553 2100 70 48 55 3550 16V-71 635 2100 79 45 58 4600 12V-92T 665 2100 68 47 54 4250 16V-71T 725 2100 78 47 58 4800 16V-92 736 2100 79 44 58 4600 12V-149 800 1900 92 57 67 8880 16V-92T 860 2100 79 47 59 4800 16V-92TA 880 2100 79 47 59 4840 12V-149T 1000 1900 91 63 69 9095 16V-149 1060 1900 108 54 68 10540 12V-149T1 1200 1900 91 64 69 9225 16V-149T 1325 1900 109 64 72 10840 16V-149T1 1600 1900 104 64 66 10865
  12. if it runs backwards all you have to do is take the back cover off reset the timing for standard rotation and if i remember right thats it
  13. does look like a 3-53
  14. 71 series detroits have center bolt valve covers the bolts look like to hand nobs on top 53 series have the bolts on the sides of the valve covers also 71s have carbon plates on the sides 53s just have a cover were the blower would go
  15. how much do you want for it if you would sell it
  16. anyone have a set of jakes for an end673 in my b63
  17. happy thanksgiving everyone may it be the best holiday you have had
  18. anyone no were i can get one of those 22 inch 10 bolt wheel for my b63 i am missing one
  19. dam that sucks was just trying to get away with using the more common tires
  20. can 22.5 tires fit on the 22 tube type rims was just wondering
  21. it spit out water for a little bit then stoped and was alright i filled it back up and it did the same thing i think it was just over filled i hope
  22. yea it was a fun trip its a my work right now going to run the over head on it fix the air leaks and the pod put some more batts on and strap them down and fix the two tires and i should be good to go
  23. well i drove my b63 home today was a trip allright brake pod started leaking lost all the air backed the brakes off and kept going two tires were flat and wouldnt hold air so she shook all the way couldnt go over 50 mph but she want to go faster had to keep backing off the trottle filled her with water and after i got going it started to leak out the overflow all over the windshield had the hood off so i could keep an eye on things so with all the water on the windows i couldnt see had no power steering because i had no air pressure but she ran good and shifted good even with the out of round tires she was smooth riding but its a long frame rail truck i also lost the batteries on the way even though they were straped down but it was fun let me no what you think
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