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Everything posted by marvgarr

  1. you need new injectors in that old cummins worked on then alot of times and all ways the injectors
  2. thats awesome thanks barry now this forum has everything except for a coffee dispenser can we get a coffee dispenser just kidding really though thanks
  3. thanks that really has helped me ill hook a guage up was just worried that there was no oil pressure
  4. it has two lines that go into the side of the block about the size of 1/2 inch fuel line and i didnt disconnect the lines or loosen them i left the filter it had in it i think it said ac on it didnt see the number im thinkn its a bypass filter is why i dont get oil out the plug on top
  5. i found the line to the guage it is disconnected and is on the pass side not sure what engine it is didnt clean the grime off the engine number yet i took the clamp off the top of the oil filter housing it was bone dry filled it with oil to the top with the filter in it put the top back on the plug is in the top right in the middle but now that i think about it that plug is above the t bolt that holds the filter in and i think that tbolt seals that plug off because when i had the cover off on the inside of the cover there is a tube under the plug and the top of the t bolt sits in it when you put the top on but back to what i have done i drained the tank put fresh diesel in it got the primer working dumped the filter housing out pumped up diesel to the pump checked the rack filled the oil filter up and started it it ran just fine went to the oil filter lossened the plug and no oil and shut it down and thats that
  6. found out were the oil pressure line is on the block after looking at all my r models the line that comes from the air compresser drive housing to the injector pump there is a plug right by the line fitting on the drive housing so ill take it off there
  7. what about the no oil pressure issue im not sure what kind of filter i have now it is realy big about 10 inchs in dia has a clamp around the top two lines that i could see go to a pad on the side of the motor the filter is held in by a t bolt and is really big
  8. is there anyone who can answer my question
  9. got my b63 started and running but no oil is coming out of the filter bleed hole i put oil in the filter housing and still no oil is coming out of the bleed hole on top and were does the oil pressure gauge hook up on at the motor my gauge is unhooked so i dont no if i have oil pressure or not i thought maybe the oil is cold so its bypassing the filter it has the big oil filter whitch is a full flow if im correct so maybe its bypassing any help would be great and how much oil does the rearends take my rear rearend has water in it so i need to drain it and the fronts a little low the brownie takes 50wt right and the trans 80/90 correct me if im wrong well thats it for now it sure does run good i think i have a good truck
  10. it probably is the wieght of the loads but better check everthing out
  11. did you replace the fuel filters, water in the fuel, bad batch of fuel, pullin different loads or routes? any codes coming up how many miles
  12. yea i no it would just be a faster way and eazy way if we had a place for them then you could just scroll through them and pic the one you want to watch but it was just a suggestion
  13. yea i think it would be great
  14. i think it would be cool if there was a place to post videos on this site so members can post videos of there trucks running for the first time or just starting of an old engine that no one has seen before first drive of there old truck would be cool just my thoughts though
  15. be careful with that cleaner called purple stuff i used it on aluminum once before and it started to pit the aluminum eating it makeing it look bad but that was back when it was called purple power so i dont know just thought i would give you a heads up
  16. thanks for the answers
  17. thanks for the answers
  18. thanks for the answers
  19. how good is the air power steering atleast i think its air i have one on my b63 just wondering if its a good setup want to keep the truck original
  20. thanks will come in handy for my b63
  21. i cant get any info off of old macks r us website it says something about active x control or what ever is there any other way of getting this info
  22. brake cleaner you can get it in gallon jugs at the parts store and use air to push it out if you go through the whole gallon and there still not clean you need to replace them
  23. have you checked the fan clutch sounds like thats the problem or the water pump is going out
  24. yea i did but i put atf in the housing not marvel oil
  25. yes it would show codes mine did but i didnt read the codes to pricey to do that here the computer dose have everything to do with it it is the heart of the engine in those new pos excuse my language i hate engine computers if the engine goes into limp mode for say a sensor gone bad or bad ground as bts stated didnt think to say that good call bts anyway anything bad can make a computer go into limp mode what limp mode is is it de tunes the engine so it wont mess up anything if a sensor or such goes bad but as i said it doesnt sound like your computer is in limp mode or the boost would be much lower like 10 psi so i think its something else go to mack and have them put it on the code reader and see what it says that should tell you if there is something wrong is the engine light on or any codes
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