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Macktruckman last won the day on January 19 2024

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  1. The early full mechanical E7-400 injection timing is 19° advance factory. The VMAC 400 is 6°. Im doing the same thing. EM6 finally laid down and I bought a 95 E7-400 VMAC and then a mechanical pump and had antrim build the pump and im in the process of getting it back together. I spill timed mine yesterday at 20°. Josh
  2. Lol. I always seem to scrape together just enough to make it somehow. And im jealous btw, i love the look of cruiseliners. josh
  3. Thank you for the heads up. I was able to find a core mechanical E7 pump and its at antrim now getting new 400 plungers and barrels and complete work over to match a turbo and injectors they sold me. Now if I can find the injector lines and figure out how to pay for it all. Lol. josh
  4. Well i made the switch to mechanical because I put the vmac 400 in an old 1978 R-685. So i didn’t have any of the electronics or the throttle pedal assembly and wiring harness. But it turned out to not be quite as simple as I had anticipated. I wound up having to do away with the econovance all together. I thought I would be able to leave it and use my old EM6-285 pump. But I wound up having to hunt down a full mechanical E7 pump and it’s currently at antrim diesel being rebuilt. By doing away with the econovance you also have to buy new injector lines because the injector pump will now bolt several inches foward directly into the back of the gear case. The lines can be purchased PAI makes them. Unfortunately they only want to sell them in packages of two lines per part number and package. So you have to two of each of the 6 lines you need. It’s stupid. You will wind up with 2 full sets of lines for double the price. Lol. I would sell my E7-400 VMAC injection pump and the econovance and injection lines. Was all running i just needed to switch to mechanical for use in the old truck. Josh
  5. Thank you heinz I called them and they do in fact offer the one for the early E7-400 as well. The cost plus a 1200 dollar core charge because I don’t have a core to send in. So I am still in search. Thank you again. Josh
  6. How have you been doing?
  7. I see the april now. All E6 pumps. Thank you though joey
  8. The October one is a partial electric vmac pump. I am not seeing the April
  9. I need a 7000 series (P7100) numbers would be 0 402 746 852 PES6P120A720R57157 thank you Josh
  10. Hi joey. No my old 3000 series robert bosch cant make enough to feed a 400 plus hp engine. Im surfing the for sale section now.
  11. Well my old E6 pump wont work so if anyone has any leads on a full mechanical pump for a E7-400 id love to hear. Thank you josh
  12. Local outfit here has had one for several years that is a 10 wheel dump has a C-15 and an 8LL in it and it’s crammed in up under the windshield but if a C-15 fits I would assume about anything common will fit. There are places that make wiring harness for putting about any engine in any common truck. Is the end cost worth it? Only you can decide that. At any rate good luck.
  13. Another question i have about leaving the econovance in place is if I plug the oil line off to it how does it get oil to the bearings or bushings in the exonovance? Does it get oil through the pump itself? thanks josh
  14. I haven’t set the timing as i haven’t got the pump back from the pump shop yet. I figured out how mix and match couplers and bolt the E6 pump onto the econovance. I wanted to bolt directly onto the block but the 3 bolt adapter on the E6 pump won’t direct bolt to the E7. Have to remove that and then it will but theres a drain back hole for oil at the bottom on the e7 that the E6 pump leaves exposed so i didn’t know what to do. So i figured out how to couple and bolt it to the econovance. As far as timing my old E6 was set about 22-23 but i read on this forum of a person doing this swap and recommended about 17. He said better to have too little advance than too much? Said 17 or so would be better for lower end torque. So im contemplating. thanks Josh
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