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Everything posted by Macktruckman

  1. Well do you know how she pulls yet?
  2. These are 6 spoke front and back and all of these trucks were 11R-22.5 rear and 385-65-22.5 fronts. The drop axles all have low pro 22.5 Josh
  3. Ill have to get by there and look it over again
  4. Thank you. This is a potential mostly complete parts truck that has been offered if a price is agreed on and im trying to figure out how much of it is actually useful to me. I appreciate you guys help Josh
  5. Yeah Joe it was built new as a mixer which im sure explains why it’s a solid walking beam. I just don’t know how to tell what the rear axles are by looking. It has the bolt on caps over the trunion where my 38’s are open ended bushings. So 44 seems plausible. I sorta expected that they would be heavier than 38 being a mixer but I wouldn’t really know. Do you know if any of it will interchange with my 38 camelbacks? Mine has 4.17 will they work in the heavier rears ? Bolt in? Or are they different? I think the 5.73 in the mixer rears are too slow for my use. Might help my power though. Thank you for all the replies btw. Josh
  6. I called mack. They cant tell me the rear suspension. Only the numbers on the tag that I already posted. The guy was surprised to hear they could be 38’s in a mixer. He said he hadn’t heard of that. He said that the front axle number is FA617C but couldn’t tell me anything else. He said their data is pretty limited these days. josh
  7. Gotcha. Very well could be I suppose. I assumed since it was built new as a 12 yard mixer it would have heavier rated axles. But I don’t know that to be sure. It has 5.73 ratio. josh
  8. With the 6 spoke hubs ? We had some around when I was young that were 5 spoke. Josh
  9. Anyone ever know what rears these are? I know they are a solid walking beam but are they 44’s? Or 58’s or what? josh
  10. Yeah im sure the 3406 is too long. I have a big cam here and I’ve tape measured around on it and it’s definitely too long. Only real option im seeing then is the mack E6-E7 of course and then possibly a C-12 which i dont have and don’t want to mess with the electronics and something like a 671 or 6v92 and being im the driver im not listening to that. Lol. Im still keeping an eye out for a mechanical E7 or vmac i cant put my robert bosch pump on. Sounds like the 3408 is too big to fit but from what I read the 3408 is wayyy heavy as well. josh
  11. Well there ain’t no stuffing one in a R600 then! Lol
  12. I dont know what else would fit besides E6 and E7. Saw pictures of a C-12 in one. Im sure some version of the old Detroit 2 stroke would fit but i have no interest in a Detroit. Lol. I figured someone on here has seen or done something unconventional. Lol josh
  13. This particular truck is my move tractor. It moves my excavator and dozer. And it pulls an end dump some. So it does work but its local and while at times it weighs up to 100k thats not the norm and it doesn’t see many miles per year at all. Ive been studying differences between the E6 and E7 and externally they are plenty similar enough that thats not a difficult swap. And probably where this is headed but i haven’t found a good core to build yet. I just happened across a couple 3408 industrial engines and made me curious because id love an E9 but have the wrong truck for that and probably the wrong finances for either. Lol. I was just curious. I wondered if a 3408 would fit where an E9 wouldn’t. I love that V8 sound. Lol. And yes I definitely would love more power. I have some pretty serious grades here and the E6 doesn’t like long hills. Lol. josh
  14. I was curious about the length factor and I didn’t know that the compressor and pumps add length. That is information I was curious about. And the weight factor would hinder. I assumed that the reason it was a 60 degree was to make it narrow enough to fit where an E9 would not. Im asking questions. Curiosity and conversation. My plan right now is a mechanical E7 but it’s fun to learn about different things from all you guys. The conversation and the learning is really why I asked. I don’t see truck 3408’s but the industrial ones are around and I see one now and then. They seem to be rated around 400. Im positive that industrial injector pumps are different from automotive pumps and id guess having a pump built for a 3408 is not cheap. Lol. The replies are great it is how I learn. Josh
  15. Has anyone ever seen or tried to put a 3408 in an R686? The biggest limiting factor with the R600 is the short hood right? A 3408 should be considerably shorter than a 3406 right? They are a 60 degree V instead of a 90 like the E9 so should be narrower than the big mack? Im just thinking for giggles. My EM6 needs some block work or just replaced and my first obvious choice would be an E7 given the many similarities with the E6 but I’m just curious about other options. And not so common options. Don’t crucify me for putting a cat in a dog as I haven’t done it. Lol. Just interesting conversation at this point Josh
  16. Valve very well may have stuck. Ive not had a stuck valve in a big engine myself but have seen it happen several times in small engines like lawn mowers. And it bent a push rod every time. Sounds very likely to me. I’m glad you got it going and look foward to hearing how it compares with the 285 when you get to use it. My 2 valve went down hard a couple weeks ago so im curious how the 4v is in its place as im looking for options. josh
  17. I was under the impression that the previous 285 2v had a dynatard and the replacement 4v was not. If thats the case wouldn’t cam in the 4v be a standard cam and you are using the valve setting method for a dynatard engine on the new non dynatard engine? Forgive me if im way off. Im just thinking. josh
  18. It does look like a reo. Makes sense. Its neat though. josh.
  19. I guess mack made a pickup in tbe late 30’s early 40’s? A friend sent me a facebook thing off the mack page. josh
  20. Those little freightliners are neat bob. Like a FL-70? I have a little Chevy Kodiak C60 that i made a little dump truck. I pull my backhoe with it alot. Its a cat 3116 and eaton 6 speed and juice brakes. With an 11.5’ bed it turns way sharper than my crew cab 3500 ram and stops better with a load. Has the little 19.5 lopro tires. Its got the 90’s Chevy pickup cab and dash. It’s handy as a pocket on a shirt but it would be neater if it was a little mack!! Lol. Josh
  21. 😂 hahaha
  22. What engine and transmission did yours have bob? josh
  23. I love the look of the cruiseliner bob. That makes sense terry the truck its in has 5.73’s josh
  24. Ive never driven a 350 maybe an E6-350 would satisfy me. josh
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