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Everything posted by Macktruckman

  1. I don’t think I have a picture of it and my R model side by side that’s what I needed. Lol Josh
  2. This is what i was going to sell the fellow in order to buy the mack cabover but the deal went away or he did. Lol. So maybe I should just keep it and get it road worthy enough to move equipment while i build an engine for my old mack. I think a substitute truck would be nice so im not rushed fixing my R. Its not quite the duel truck bob. But not far. Lol. im the 3rd owner of this truck. The second owner that sold it to me only had it a month or two. Its no mack but maybe a good backup and they are a nostalgic looking old truck. Lol josh.
  3. Ill post up a picture of it if its ok to post a pete on this thread ? I don’t know the rules very well. Josh
  4. Thanks bob. I think i might look that old 359 over soon. fire it up and get some tires on it and odds and ends to make it useable here local. Im going to have to either get an engine or do major on my R that is my primary rig. Old 359 needs painted BAD. lol. But it’ll work without that if needs be and I can use it while I get the engine situated for my ol junkyard dog. Lol. Pete is even older than my mack. Instead of low air light and buzzer it has the little stop sign that falls down in front of your face out of the overhead. Lol. Josh
  5. Have you made any more progress? Josh
  6. BOBWhite from what I can tell that one you found is in nicer shape cosmetically for sure than the other one as well. Looks like a bargain maybe. I didn’t see any interior pics. I think I prefer the look of the round headlights josh
  7. Im curious about the headlights as well. I believe my buddy showed me that exact listing and it’s about half price of the other one we talked about. From one of the pictures he showed me yesterday it has a 2 valve engine in it. The one with the dump bed was a 4 I believe. I have read some back and forth on here between which is the better but I’ve never driven similarly spec’d trucks with the 4 valve vs the 2 valve to know if one pulls better than the other on say the same hills with same load. Back to the truck itself I said before that I’ve never seen a MH up close so I’ve really enjoyed learning from all you guys. This is a great place. Josh.
  8. Well after all the questions and discussion it looks like I won’t be buying the Ultraliner we talked about. The fellow who said he was going to buy a truck from me has disappeared. Lol. My daughter doesn’t want me to sell my old 359 anyway so if anyone is interested in thst cabover then have at it. I just want to say how much I appreciate the advice and the family here. I still enjoyed talking with everyone and learning so i hope I didn’t waste anyone’s time. Thank you all again Josh.
  9. What suspension is that? My R686 has trunion and bushings that look similar but has about 10 springs. I don’t think ive ever seen 3 springs before? josh
  10. Id love to see it but I probably never will. Lol.
  11. Oh I believe you. Ive heard and read some things like this before tbat make me shake my head. I have a neighbor up the road a mile or so that moved here from California when he retired. From what he tells me the country is diverse and beautiful but he couldn’t live there anymore. Sounds like everything I own would be off limits there. I have a 1978 Mack and a 1974 pete. Lol.
  12. Outlawed chrome? Kinda like outlawing plastic straws…. Lol
  13. Joey you have told me that before, and you were right about them then and you’re right about them now, and you sir are one of them… Lol. Josh.
  14. I appreciate all you guys more than you know. Thank you so much josh
  15. You’re right. I’ve studied those pictures some more and something looks off about the left front in the straight ahead picture. And the truck is sitting in a completely different place in the left side picture vs right side and straight on. Good catch hippy. And if its an optical illusion of some sort a visit in person will clarify. Its on facebook and probably more pics but I don’t have facebook. That said i wont make any deal for it before I see it in person either way josh.
  16. Got it Hippy. Thank you! josh
  17. This is excellent information and informative. I appreciate all of it. I knew there would be several here that could offer some insight and its fun learning about a truck i know nothing about and seeing pictures if nothing else and talking to good folks. Josh
  18. That’s great to know bob. We’ll see what happens hopefully it works out in our favor. Lol. Josh
  19. Will do joe and thank you. I suspect you are right. My R has 38’s on camelbacks and it’s always been a tractor and is single frame. josh
  20. I have most of it i took off mine. Message me if i can help. I wont need it anymore Josh
  21. I have always wanted an E9 superliner and an MH with one would be sweet but the truth is for me personally and my pocket book im sure the 6 is better suited. Doesn’t mean i wont dream. Lol. Josh
  22. No! I hadn’t seen that before! Thank you Bob that’s great. My R needs an engine in the fairly near future and that MH could serve me while thats down. But the guy hasn’t paid for the old pete yet so hopefully he comes through in a few days. josh.
  23. I saw a thread from a while back where you were considering it. josh
  24. Thank you Bob i was curious if it would fix with regular fiberglass repair. Im not good at it but im fortunate to have some of the most capable friends a person could ask for. Did you by chance ever get to buy your MH back? josh
  25. Looks like a filler cap missing for something right in front of the right steer tire?
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