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  1. Hope this helps01261403.PDF
  2. Not sure but this might help http://truckpartsetc.com/sales/PDFs/Arvin Meritor (Euclid)/Meritor_ImportBrakeParts.pdf
  3. Push down on the latch handle while simultaneously pushing up on the cab, the cab will release from the main latch and go up about an inch or two. Push up on the latch handle in the opposite direction to now release the safety catch. If it hasn't been used in a while you may have to push up pretty hard on the cab, I suggest another person. Be sure to lube the latch up good after you get it tilted.
  4. Attached are F Model and Western Series wiring diagrams, negative ground. Hope they help. F Model, Negative Ground.pdf Western Series, Negative Ground.pdf
  5. Can you please shed any light on the back room deal that gave Renault autonomy?
  6. Here is the correct wiring diagram for your Midliner. Hope this helps. MS Wiring Diagram.pdf
  7. Jeff, Attached is a wiring diagram for an F model with a negative ground, If you truck has positive ground I have that one also. It it from a Mack electrical manual dated 1985. Hope this helps. MACK F NEGATIVE GROUND.pdf
  8. Hard to believe an air over hydraulic brake chamber for a Midliner is over $1,300.00 isn't it? Open the link below to the Euclid catalog and look at page 77. All the parts are listed with Euclid part numbers. Not sure if they are still available since the takeover by Meritor but it's worth a shot. http://truckpartsetc.com/sales/PDFs/Arvin%20Meritor%20%28Euclid%29/Meritor_ImportBrakeParts.pdf
  9. Are they full air or air over hydraulic rear brakes?
  10. Mike, I sent a PM regarding some parts. Thanks
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