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  1. Sent you a private message. Please call me when you get a chance. Thanks, Donny
  2. Ya both the rd and the donor cab are air ride
  3. Thanks brother. Ill see if we have a donor radiator and after cooler for ir laying around here.
  4. Do you still have the cab?
  5. I do the body work for a trucking company here in chicago. We have a 92 rd688 that was involved in a roll over. We have an 87 rmodel cab that we can put on it and my question is can we put that cab on it and convert it to a older style rmodel with the r model hood? What kind of issues am i getting myself in to?
  6. Its a 460P and is that software and interface availible through the dealer?
  7. I took delivery of my 07' Vision two years ago. Ever since i picked it up i have been absolutely disappointed in the power since the day i picked it up. When i expressed my concerns with my local dealer i was told that it is what it is. I have had nothing but problems since day one and its only getting worse. It now has 132,000 miles on it and already have replaced a blown turbo, locked up water pump, exhaust gas cooler, two horton clutch fans, and an air compressor. Thank god all covered under warrenty. Now im having problems with very inconsistant boost pressure, which i have made an appointment to get looked at. I was hoping someone can help me and tell me is there a way to get this thing turned up while its there. Cause it feels as if my dealer is just blowing me off when i ask them. Also is there a pc program and cable that i can buy for my laptop so i can plug this thing in and start to monitor and diagnose some of these issues on my own? I wish Watts was closer to Chicago so i could just take it there!!!!!
  8. I have purchased in the past, hoods from Jones Performance Hoods. They seem much stonger and more durable than the stock OEM hoods
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