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Everything posted by Bluebulldog

  1. Seems this truck doesn’t like the changing of the seasons. After our fight with oil pressure blink codes last fall it ran all winter with no issues. Today’s problem is while driving the traction light eliminates almost immediately you get a electrical malfunction light and it shuts down. Just that fast it comes back leaves no time to check a blink code. Will it store faults for a dealer to check with out it being on currently?
  2. What’s the difference. I know of one says b61 on the hood but radiator is much squarer and has the shutters running horizontal instead of vertical. Have just seen few pics. It’s listed as a 54 an has a turbo Charged engine I assume a transplanted 237.
  3. Have ran it all week in cold temps have not seen any fault codes. Only thing I found was a wire rubbed to ground be hind the kick panel in front of the passenger seat. I see for some reason the odometer and the hour meter have stopped counting. Had the odometer stop on the last one of these must be a week spot a 700,000 miles that’s where it quit to have to just use the hub meter! Thanks for the help!
  4. I think it’s just like we are takes our systems a little while to adjust to the winter weather 😂. But your probably right.
  5. We’ll I don’t know what has fixed it but started it today at about 10 degrees and it all worked
  6. Worst thing is about need the thing out in the cold to make it turn them on. I pulled the plug apart and it all looks clean and tight. I’ll get my daughter to watch the light when she gets home.
  7. I take it you work for a Mack dealer or have in the past? Maybe you don’t want to answer that!
  8. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow
  9. So your saying it’s the front plug? Isn’t there another controller in front of the passenger behind that kick panel?
  10. How do I find the j1 plug. It’s on the ecm on the right side of the engine? I seen there were two plugs out the top didn’t look any farther. I kinda thought that the rear plug was not completely latched into the ecm need to look closer.
  11. I think this is going to get over my head in a hurry 😄
  12. So what is this telling me that the three have in common ground? What does the ej1 stand for?
  13. Odd thing is it has that malfunction light on with those codes will set an run normally you leave with it an out of the blue it will kick the shut down light on and shut it off. May have to stop and restart it may come back 🤷. what does that ambient temp sensor have to do with anything?
  14. 19 degrees this morning. I have 1-1,2-3,1-3, blink codes. Truck is sitting running idle. All I know is take it to dealer an let them plug into it an see if they see something that isn’t right.
  15. Finally got the right oil pressure sensor. It’s 30degrees the malfunction light is on when the key is turned on stays on about 1 min with the engine running then goes out. Blink code still says 1-1 while it’s on. Guess we’ll see when it gets cold. As for the 2-3 the boot on the filter had a loose clamp and could just slide away from the hood haven’t seen that code sense 🤷. Suppose to get cold here later this week if I get it back out of the shop from fixing a air leak we’ll see what happens.
  16. Finally got the right oil pressure sensor. It’s 30degrees the malfunction light is on when the key is turned on stays on about 1 min with the engine running then goes out. Blink code still says 1-1 while it’s on. Guess we’ll see when it gets cold. As for the 2-3 the boot on the filter had a loose clamp and could just slide away from the hood haven’t seen that code sense 🤷. Suppose to get cold here later this week if I get it back out of the shop from fixing a air leak we’ll see what happens.
  17. Brought 9000 an headed to Miami Florida so I suppose headed across the pond 😩
  18. Had it plugged in this morning and all was well about 35 degrees outside. Sensor is in I just need to go get it. Thanks for the help guys.
  19. What would the air intake on the hood have to do with air intake sensor? It comes on immediately when you turn the key on with out engine running and stays on until it gets up to operating temp. I can see the hood warming the air coming in but not right as it starts.
  20. This thing needed to stay in a warm climate I guess. Everything works great till it gets to 30 degrees then it’s all over just like clock work! 2000 Ch613 having 1-1 an 2-3 codes every morning till it gets warm. 1-1 is oil pressure sending unit I guess haven’t changed it yet but it’s ordered. 2-3 is manifold temp changed it many times with no avail so just live with that. But it will shut down few times before it gets warm enough to shut off the light. Any ideas?
  21. Would like to buy it going through a auction. Don’t really have a need for it. Family had one when I was young just like it. Run a ch an a granite on the farm. Just remember the sound of those old 2 valve tip turbine engines nothing else like it!
  22. What’s it worth. 1975 nice original 300 5 speed Don’t know the miles but should be relatively low was a local contractor/farm truck all it’s life
  23. Anyone have any pics of a dual exhaust on a ch. how is the pipe split? I have a left hand exhaust that needs work this winter just thinking of going to salvage yard and getting brackets to put other pipe on it. No real reason other then looks!
  24. So I was checking voltage by grounding my meter to the intake manifold and had 10.3 volts at the #40 fuse. Could get 12.3 at the batteries. Had 12.3 if you were between the positive and the ground cable on the starter (explained why it would turnover good). Would start if used jumper cables from battery ground to the engine. Long story short slightly loose wire on the ground breaker there at the top of the fire wall. Voltage gauge seems to be more in the range it should and can get 12.3v between fuse and the engine now. See if it fires in the morning. Thanks for all the help guys.
  25. Thanks for all the help guys. Wouldn’t start this morning. Pulled the #40 fuse put 12v from the jumper pack there and immediately started. Check voltage before doing that and was at 10.8 volts so guess it’s time for 3!! New batteries and see what happens.
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