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Everything posted by Bluebulldog

  1. I think this is the issue. I have had it start at the instant you let off the key. That turn that it makes as the starter is just disengaged it will fire and run!
  2. Where is this #40 fuse. Right dash?
  3. That sounds more like it. Truck only has 2 batteries which we always had 3 in all the others. I’m wandering if 2 that are maybe just a little weak just won’t start it? I know they have to be 5 years old.
  4. No either. I don’t see it being worn out when it’s cranking and not starting there is zero smoke like there is no fuel. Very little blow by and zero blue smoke while setting and running idle.
  5. I should say no malfunction light reading a code. Vo Mac wants me to bring it so he read the codes. Says he’s seen some not show up on the dash. Going to try what everyone has suggested here thinking I’ll take it over and let Rodney check it out first of the week if I can’t find it. Seems to get better starting when it’s warm outside. Still in the 30’s next week hoping to get it figured out so it doesn’t show up again in the middle of harvest this fall. Thanks guys when I find it I’ll post back. couple degrees warmer this morning or it was ran all day yesterday whatever but it started fine this morning.
  6. No codes. Other thing this thing does. About 3 times in the last 6 months when you turn the turn signal on it either goes to idle or shuts off one or the other does it so fast and comes right back can’t tell which it is. Always has done it when accelerating away from a stop. I will check the sensors soon as get a chance. Thank you.
  7. 2000 ch 613. What actually turns the fuel on to the engine and how particular about voltage. Won’t start was under 30degrees now seems to be 50. This morning put charger on it and pumped the primer even though it felt like it had fuel again it and immediately started other wise just cranks!
  8. Not mine just seen it for sale. Not many around here like this.
  9. What is it going to cost me to get my 2000 e7 rebuilt? Starting to use a little oil and has some blow by. No blue smoke at all though seem to get a oil burning smell when free wheeling into town. Truck is in really nice shape otherwise and will probably run a long time yet at just 10 thousand or so miles a year!
  10. Any ideas of what the proper height is ? Or just pick your poison and adjust the clutch according?
  11. Are the bolts going through the steering column slotted to adjust? Haven’t tried it yet
  12. Maybe the rubber bumper is just worn out but our granite has less of a bumper left yet.
  13. This is what it looks like
  14. I’m going to look but I think it’s there.
  15. We have a 613 that the clutch pedal comes extremely high to be again it’s stop. Had a 1996 613 that was not like this what is the difference to make the 2000 this way??? About have your knee to your chin to get your foot on it! It’s not out of adjustment that is just where it returns to the stop it has couple inches of free travel as it should.
  16. I don’t think it goes through all the clicking again with the charger but it will always start then. Cant hear anything! I noticed when I put the charger on it says 10 volts so I’m betting there isn’t near 12 volts to the ecm. Started good yesterday at 50 degrees out.
  17. 2000 613 starts fine when warm,cold mornings it turns over decent. But no smoke put the charger on it an it will light right off. When you turn key on it goes through all the motions (anti-lock ) turn on to start turns over when you let off the key it goes through the motions again that isn’t right. So is there a selinoid week or is the batteries that close to not holding voltage up?
  18. The b61 grill was always steel with vertical shutters? One for sale locally that he claims is a 61 that has the square aluminum grill with horizontal shutters. I thought that it was a b75 myself am I wrong?
  19. Having issues keeping the bottom wires of the plug on the back of the dashboard making contact. ( ground, dash lights,right turn signal indicator). Intermittent dash lights,and turn signal light if you lose ground whole dashboard does funny things. Any ideas.
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