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Prowrench last won the day on June 8 2020

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About Prowrench

  • Birthday 05/13/1963


  • Location
    Villa Park,IL.

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    old trucks
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  1. I have 3 injection pump cores for a 3208 Cat (picture is generic) asking $250 each. Please message me if you are interested.
  2. Hi Jeff, I come here a few times a week to see what's new. This is yet another source of info. Rich


  3. Prowrench


    well Im not looking for anything specifically I just would like to have the books formy DM800
  4. Prowrench


    I have sent a info request to the Mack museum back in February but haven't heard back looks like the steer is at least 20k and the drivers are at least 55k 9:10 ratio
  5. Prowrench


    In 1966 the DM 800 splayed out here is mine 20200719_113833.jpg
  6. aluminum frame all straight from front to back, I will try and get some more pictures tomorrow, glad I can help
  7. here's a few pics of the frame horn and hinges
  8. I will get some pictures next time I am playing with the truck. The fenders on that truck are bolted to the hood, nice feature to expedite repairs and keep cost down. designed back when turning a profit wasn't the only consideration of manufacturers.
  9. here's my LCF 500 361 gasser Allison AT-450 trans
  10. I have not had a chance to clean anything yet but I believe the "300" was 285hp
  11. the drag winch is just sitting there it is going on my 64 C615
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