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About kevgibbs

  • Birthday 10/23/1997


  • Location
    Benton, Illinois

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  • My Truck
    1997 CH613 Gold Dog E7-400, MACK 18-SPD
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  1. Mine is a 1997 Model truck. The book that I have is from 1995 and it says that the VMACII E7-400 has the 15.3:1 pistons in it. As far as I know this engine has never been opened up and it has about 800,000 miles on it. I'm undecided if I want to go ahead and tune it up or if I want to pull the engine down and tune it with fresh components. On a side note, how big of a job is to to convert one to full mechanical? I have a factory full mechanical truck along with this VMACII truck and it doesn't appear to me that it would be all that difficult to switch the other to full mechanical.
  2. I'm considering purchasing the stage 2 injectors from rochester diesel for my VMACII E7-400. Has anyone ran these injectors before? Was there a difference in the performance of the engine? I'm running a blixxton module on it at the moment and I'm looking to up the power some more if I can.
  3. Hello Gents, What is the recommended (or usual) overhaul interval for a VMACII E7? I have a 1997 CH613 with a E7-400 that has about 850,000 original miles on it and I'm thinking about having my local Mack dealer do a rod and main bearing job on it this coming winter after the work season slows down. At a hot idle the engine has about 20 psi of oil pressure and runs around 35-45 psi running depending on boost pressure. These numbers seem kind of low to me but I don't know what is "usual" as far as where the oil pressure should be on the engine or how far I should let it go before it spins a bearing on the road somewhere. The truck is a very strong runner and has very little blow-by. Any input would be appreciated. Thank You! - Kevin G.
  4. Are you sure it's a VMAC?? That picture of the fuel pump looks like it has a mechanical throttle control hooked to it. If so, that truck probably doesn't have a check engine light.
  5. Hello gents, aside from contacting my dealer directly, could anyone point me in the right direction of where I could get a VMACII 427 ECU file? I have all of the service hardware & software needed to install the program but I am missing the actual file itself to load into the truck.
  6. Does anyone here know of a reliable source from where I can download and/or purchase the V-MACIII Service Software? Also, does this software work with V-MACII?
  7. Yes it has a gray plug on the back of the pump. That very well could be a possibility
  8. Update on the situation: I re-installed my Blixxton and changed my fuel filters and I have absolutely no change in the situation. At maximum, my boost pressure is 29psi where as before it was pushing 33psi sometimes 34. The condition that I experienced at the intersection a while back doesn't support that it has a boost leak however I'm not ruling out that possibility, that's what I'm going to look for next actually. That day, I very clearly felt the throttle go to about half throttle and suddenly back to about 95% throttle without my foot ever coming off of the accelerator. This has me thinking it is a issue inside the electronic system of the fuel control. I did verify that my throttle pedal position sensor is working correctly. That's about all that my tooling will do unfortunately, I can't read any other ECM data regarding fuel control. I wish I had an actual VMAC2 reader to help the situation, my local mack dealer doesn't have one anymore
  9. Where is the torque limit switch located?
  10. Hello Gents, I have a 1997 CH with a E7-400 VMAC2. I have a Blixxton module on it. When I first installed the module the boost pressure would build up to 34psi. A little while ago I was taking off from an intersection and I had the truck at full throttle. I suddenly felt the engine go to about half throttle ( with the the pedal still all the way to the floor) and right to back to full throttle again except now it will not build over 28 psi of boost. My first thought was my Blixxton module went bad and caused something to go screwy. There was also absolutely no difference in performance between the 3 different settings on the module where as before there was a significant difference. With my Blixxton module still under warranty, I sent it in for a warranty claim. A few weeks later I received my original Blixxton module back with a test result showing that it was functioning as it it should. Now I'm beginning to wonder if there is now a mechanical issue with the fuel rack inside the pump or if there is an electronic issue somewhere. The truck is not showing any active codes. I was going to plug into it sometime soon and see if the throttle pedal position sensor is working properly. Does anyone else have any thoughts?
  11. On the title it lists the VIN Number as: DM685S9399
  12. Can someone tell me what were the production years of the Maxidyne 237 & the E6. I'm looking at a 1972 DM model and the owner doesn't know what engine it has. I'm to figure out by year possibly
  13. When were the Maxidyne 237's and E6's produced? I'm looking at a 1972 DM and the owner doesn't know what engine it has.
  14. That is one nice looking R model!
  15. Hey Joey, I'm curious what tools do I need to change the governor setting from Min-Max to All Speed? What's the difference between the two settings?
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