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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by oldss72

  1. Sorry, heads are sold. If you need anything else let me know.
  2. Some parts claimed - heads, jakes, valve cover, flywheel and bell housing no longer available. Still available are: Crank, cam, rods, injector pump, oil pan, injectors, turbo - more, ask as needed. Thanks Photos of the injector pump, crank, and cam attached.
  3. I have a bunch of parts that were removed from a 1997 e7 350 running engine. Block was used for a boat engine rebuild and the rest of the parts from the marine engine were used so these are left over Parts include: Oil pan, Heads, jakes,Valve covers, injector pump, Cam, Crank, Injectors, turbo, manifolds, Many more - let me know what you need. Very reasonable prices!
  4. Sorry, I guess I need more help. I thought from the post below that all 89-98's were mechanical, and therefore vmac I and II. What can i look at to definitively know what I have? Thanks
  5. Hello, I purchased a boat with a pair of mechanical E7's (dated 1996). One of the engines has a cracked block and I am looking for a replacement - I can find MANY reasonably priced Etech cores, but very few reasonably priced mechanical cores. Engine is out of the boat already. I know the injector pump is good, I know the engine ran until it ripped itself apart (long story). I would prefer to find a core to rebuild, but again, the mechanical engines are few and far between based on what I can find. I may have 1 bad head but I will be having a machine shop look at that. It goes without saying that whatever engine I get will get new liners, pistons, bearings ect. My questions are: Is there a difference in the blocks for a mechanical E7 vs a later model? If I find an Etech core with a good rotating assembly, can I swap everything else over from my engine to make it into a mechanical engine? Any gotcha's to look out for? Anyone have a mechanical E7 core that they are looking to sell reasonably : ) ?
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