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  1. RCD7595

    03 cx 613

    I have a 03 cx613 that today had a metal on metal rattle when idling with myself standing on the step. Found a crossmemmber strap going over top of the bellhousing and connecting to the framerails just below cab support mounts. One end was missing both bolts and free. I have found a few pictures showing a belly strap under the tranny but this one goes over top. Just wondering its purpose and if someone previous to me had it apart and did not put it back where its supposed to go. Thanks
  2. Have an 03 cx613 need to adjust the wiper travel. The passenger side is coming 2 inches over onto the drivers side windshield. Thanks
  3. I have purchased an 03 cx613 with the etech 427. Looking to see what kind of motor oil guys have been favoring for these motors and what kind of service intervals have been doing.
  4. Dealer says I need a new throttle pedal in 03 cx613. Are there any calibrations needed that the dealer must do or can you just replace the pedal assembly? Thanks
  5. Good deal then I did.
  6. There is no egr
  7. 03 cx613
  8. Intrested in purchasing a 03 with the e7 etech 427 lsr and looking to gain as much infor beforehand as possible. Any knowledge will be helpful thank you
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