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Everything posted by msm618

  1. I needed a "lift" today! Big Red Owner, thanks!!!!
  2. If Boyajian's truck still exists, I'd love to know where. Grew up watching the beautiful truck work its azz off!
  3. Twin cooling fans on the BT - great engineering. Locally, Boston Elevated Rwy. was an early user of the BT. Thanks for posting!
  4. 15 grand is a lot of scratch for some third-world buyer. Most of the export stuff I've seen is totally clapped out, rusted out million+ mile units sold "as is". And they are pretty cheap. Third world mechanics must be pretty good to coax more miles out of some of the rigs I've seen.
  5. Topsoil. Priceless, Vinny!
  6. That CL Mack is waaaay too old - built in the 10th century, A.D,?! Prolly has stone tyres...........lol. I love Craigslist "experts"!
  7. Boyajian lived in E.Saugus, MA. I grew up watching this rig earn a living. Ended up in N.Hampton, NH on a sales lot (though I asked and was told it wasn't for sale lol) in the early 90's.
  8. Boyajian lived in E. Saugus, MA. That LJSWX was a beautiful rig. Ended up at Mel Clark's lot in Hampton, NH. No idea where it went after the auction (early 90's). Gordon Vivace was another trucker out of my town. Had a sweet red Ford 10-whl dump, set-back front axle.
  9. Can't afford a water sprayer truck? Next best thing is any DD ! And a 6-110 found very few automotive applications (too d-m big!). The 6-110 was used in every Budd Rail Diesel Car (100's built) in the 40's and 50's. They did a great job coating the rail tracks...."look Ma, no weeds" lol.
  10. Saw my first U, thot it was just an R built on a Monday or Friday.......................
  11. There's a guy in Florida who has a RV-converted 1959 C-50 Mack. He makes a lot of the shows down there.
  12. Neat U-boat, but $14K? Ok, low miles, interior the best I've seen, esp. for the year. What say you guys on price?
  13. The bus looks like a ACF "Metropolitan" street-car (as they called it at the time. Dam things were built like battleships. Mack vs. ACF would have been a pretty even match, IMHO. Boston drivers.................lol
  14. They look like anticlimbers to me. Extra protection for the nose and radiator. Well worth it, as well.
  15. That 57 Dodge PW looks minty. Wonder what $2K will buy?
  16. I was on the fence about the Superliner daycab, but I re-read the ad and saw he'd throw in the CB antennas.....deal!!!!!!!!!! LOL, not. Love CL ads!
  17. Mike, whatta catch! BTW, anyone know what happened to Dick Kemp's G? Offered it to me, as a runner, for $1500.00 about 5 years ago. (Insert head beating against wall sound here) Sure hope it went to a good home. I've only seen 3 G's in my 45 years in the hobby.
  18. Jim, I grew up in Saugus, MA, and remember seeing Appleyard's rigs on Rt.1 all the time. Great memories!
  19. That rig is about 10 miles west of me. The guy runs a HD truck repair business, and usually has a few old Macks on the lot. I stopped and chatted with him awhile back, and he seemed friendly but businesslike, He had a late-production Mack C-50 transit bus/RV there for awhile. First conversion of a C-bus I've (40+ year Mack guy) ever seen.
  20. 2 trucks with over 350k on the odometers. "Performance Counts" all right!
  21. The Motor Bus Society reprinted a history of mack buses done by Mack in the 1970's. You could contact MBS, and of course troll ebay as well. There are several dealers who sell MBS and other bus magazines. I have dealt both as seller and buyer with "4509bus", he's one of the god guys. I am a long-time Mack bus fan, and may be able to help with some of your questions. My copy of the MBS Mack history is packed away "someplace safe" lol.
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