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  1. sri


    got someone to do it this winter.. It does shift and stay in high ,just leaks a lot of air.. So think the linkage is not broken.. will keep you posted later.. What would happen if the vent hole is plugged????
  2. sri


    put on our big farmer pants and took the back off,snap rings look good. So put it back together and going to run like it is till done... Thanks
  3. sri


    what part numbers would that be... you are talking to a novice here so give me some time. Don't think we want to tackle this job but can give the advice to who is going to do it.. Three experts said the top has to come off.. I don't have a clue.. Only use this for 500 miles a year for corn harvest. plan is to run it like it is,mostly in direct ,then this winter they can have at it... what would happen if the hole is plugged. Don't want to blow the top of transmission off
  4. sri


  5. sri


    tried to post a picture of shifter but failed.. it says it's a maxitorque extended range 12 speed with splitter . On shifter knob in cab has high ,direct, neutral and reverse
  6. sri


    Had a mack guy look at it.. said the top of transmission has to come off.. his guess O-rings or broken piston.. will keep you posted .. thanks.. this on 94 rb mack
  7. We have a 12 speed with the air shifter. It is leaking air on the bottom of the air shifter.. This is on the top back of transmission. cant' really get in there to look but is there a plug on the bottom of the high range shifter .. Doesn't leak only till high range.. Appears to be a threaded hole there..Other wise from my understanding it's a big job to replace the shifter. Also looking for a parts breakdown of the same shifter.. Thank you
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