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The Burren

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Everything posted by The Burren

  1. Bringing back some of the old dog's good humor... The last post from Mack Technician 8-15-2020 "Pleased we're seeing a drop in COVID cases here since King Ever's mask mandate. Last week only 1 in 10 engine oil samples came back COV19 positive. The week before it was 4 positive tests, even though the machines aren't showing a single symptom." I was trying to find the post that got him banned, just wondering what it was. All I found were jokes like these and repair instructions. This is the last one he wrote before he got banned. Check out who liked the post. Digging up bones I guess.
  2. The years top three contributors are missing and it's really starting to show. Mack Technician was one of a few good good mechanics on here who knew what they were doing on a gray engine and he's gone. Go to a dealership AND expect good service advice with an old truck? Put these fellas on probation or make them do jumpin' jacks til they puke up their innards, OR whatever it takes to satisfy the crime? Bring Teamsterr back for the 4th time and make them sit with her!😀 Just sayin'
  3. Thanks for the info. What rears were in that ch? I’m going to have to assume that a current 435HP motor with 4.10 will be able to do what I need without working too hard. Nonetheless I am concerned a bit about fuel consumption on the highway. What were the rears in the Pete?
  4. I’m tossing around thee idea of adding a tri-axle and I’m stuck on the trans. I live in Eastern SC which is called Low Country because its flat. Sandy and flat. This truck will probably be doing dirt and stone but it may end up (god forbid) as an asphalt truck. What are the pros and cons of the 8LL/ Allison? I test drove the Allison and it was amazing off the line. Will this change when loaded? How about fuel mileage running highway speeds (70mph)? The Allison has 425HP 4.30 rear and the 8LL is 435HP 4.10 rears. My 05 Granite is 370hp with 4.64 rears and seeing 70+mph means you’re watching the fuel gauge drop in real time. I’d like to avoid wasting money Thanks
  5. I bought an 05 and put in an E7 exhaust, 5” GR pipes, injectors from K&S and a borg warner S467 with a billet wheel. What color is your engine? Mach Tech can probably help you out for some beer.
  6. Mack Tech pointed me to this thread I ended up using his same turbo which I believe was a borg warner S467 with a billet wheel. Its a little bigger than the s300 and definitely spools earlier and flows nicely. Im no expert but the larger exhaust manifold and GR pipes in conjunction with the turbo and injectors from K&S have really made this truck a pleasure to drive
  7. Ha, Old Milwaukee.. no surprise there;) I remember drinking many a Milwaukees Best... A year supply headed your way! 10-4 on the pyro!
  8. K&S injectors installed YTS Turbo in exhaust manifold on New rocker shaft bolts Dual 4” pipes replaced with 5” Grand Rock exhaust and M-132 muffler mounted Doing king pins tomorrow morning Still need a pyro, but for now I’m just going to plug it up. All in all coming along AWESOME! Who’s thread is this again? I’m sending you a beer.
  9. Got it. Ill call the dealer Monday and try to get the new rocker arm bolts. Thanks!
  10. Forgot to take an actual picture of the pipes... but they looked perfect, and HUGE compared to the stock ones. Here's the exhaust I got for 200.00
  11. My 70 mile 1 way trip is going to be so much nicer now. Don't know where big John got that extra 5
  12. Headed to pick up my pipes. I hope the numbers I used were correct
  13. Your rear pipe number is different than mine.? I went off this The custom Grand Rock, CV713, single run, exhaust part numbers are as follows: MK-41112M2-5, 5" 2-BEND W/BELL FLARE & PYRO; ALZ (front pipe) MK-5110A-5, 5" 4-BEND W/LIST & WELDS OD/OD; ALZ (rear pipe) My Mack Dealership prices, w/mark-up, are as follows: $206.99 front pipe $221.03 rear pipe
  14. Called 3 places today asking for quotes for the front and rear pipes: 1. Carolina International Trucks, Florence SC 2. FleetPride, Wilmington NC 3. Truck Pro, Charleston SC **Carolina International Trucks — called back within 15 mins best price by far 843-468-9560 $250.00 FRONT MK-41112M2-5 $260.00 REAR MK-5110A-5 Fleetpride out of Wilmington NC came back with a quote of $305.00 FRONT $325.00 REAR. PLUS FREIGHT CHARGES TruckPro never called back
  15. Hey Mack Technician— thank you for the quick response. Questions: 1. When you wrote “Can’t recommend these trucks for purchase except to say I’d buy one because I have my previous coworker at the dealership who can still drop files into them and provide all other internal support and I’m very familiar with them” are you saying that the regular user (me) WON’T necessarily be able to get an updated flash file downloaded if my rig is running old software? 2. I can’t find the post which lists the upgraded injector part numbers to buy.. Am I mis-remembering what I read? Thanks for the recc. re. Josh Stewart. I’ll give them a call Monday. I’d love exact part numbers for the proper manifold turbo and injectors if you have them handy. These parts (assuming they are a direct plug n play replacement) are something I would be able to install easily if it will make the truck that much better = Thanks— UPDATE— is the 631GC5153M4 SA400 WithOut wasteGate what I’m looking for for my AI400 motor?
  16. Awesome information, thanks to all you experts for taking the time to share. I’m getting ready to switch gears and buy my first dump truck. I took the advice of a buddy and decided on a low mileage 2004 CV713 with AI-400 12.0L MACK 400 HP and MAXITORQUE 9 SPDS trans. I’m going to be running mostly dirt sand and stone at ~70K in hot temps. So my question is, should I avoid this engine? I don’t mind spending some additional money and upgrading a manifold, injectors, and turbo, but the part numbers from Grand Rock don’t bring any results on their search page so I’m assuming that it was a one and done single run custom job? The truck was a specialized oil field truck and has a new 17’ steel body, PTO and cylinder and looks clean in pictures. I’m flying out this Friday 9/27 to take a drive and check it out and if everything looks good I was going to hand the man a check and drive it home. Any advice would be very welcome— 1. is this engine a dog without doing the conversions described in this thread? 2. What exactly is the minimum I’d need to do to make it run properly? The last 6 of the VIN 008206 The truck is listed here on MV Planet Trucks. http://www.mvplanettrucks.com/admin/view2.php?ccode=156893884865881&startitem=&startpage=&endpage=&current=&category=&make=&model=&year=# My cashiers check is in hand and I have a Friday flight, but for $60K if this engine is going to irritate me for the next 3 years I can hold off. I have a little time to look for the right truck if this engine isn’t it.. As an aside, I could have gotten a 2016 Western Star for ~$80,000.00 locally. It’s listed here but sold now. https://www.tlgtrucks.com/peterbilt-sleeper-day-cab/GPHP1610/ Please someone tell me that even though its newer that this old 2004 Granite is still a better truck, otherwise I’m going to be kicking myself — Thanks—
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