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fuzzy buzzard

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Everything posted by fuzzy buzzard

  1. Good lookin' old draggin' wagon
  2. Great pictures ! Got any more? I noticed dates were 07, 08, 09. Are you still in this business?
  3. I'm not knocking Kroil oil, but they got to get up early to beat ATF and acetone mix
  4. Interesting sleeper! Do you know anything it? By chance, is there a tag on the right door post in between the hinge pocket that says "Automotive Industries"?
  5. For penetrating oil, try a 50/50 mixture of ATF and acetone. Best stuff I've ever used. Shake before using cause it will not stay mixed. Give a shot couple times a day before you set in to heating and beating. Another method is to heat adaptor hot enough to melt a candle. Apply candle to back side of adaptor similar to sweating a copper joint. Wax will be sucked into threads. Next, take your wife shopping for the rest of the afternoon. By the time you get back, everything will be back to room temperature and you can start the twisting, beating part of the project. The solid wax helps lubricate the threads enough to get apart. Good luck!1
  6. First things first - are you trying to save the adapter? Methods vary based on the desired results.
  7. Did I just hear a snowflake melt down??? Maybe she should have stayed home and taken a "mental health day"
  8. Show us a full picture of your truck. Does it have an integral "box" sleeper?
  9. Come to think of it, I done many things "just because" and I always thought it was a good answer! March go brother - your truck, your way - just like Bugger King.
  10. Anybody know the details on the B79? There were 10 built only in 1961
  11. I got Jakes on the old wrecker with T675. I'm not so sure it was worth the expense and work. RPM has to be up around 2000 and the effect is not all that great. And it is adjusted to the "T"
  12. Maddog, you make me feel better!!! Did toe-in seem to make any difference? Remember what Sheppard box you used - 39 maybe? What pump? Someone mentioned 700 psi max - just going down the road in what appears hopefully to be a straight line - pressure is not an issue. I would think volume would be more of a problem. Too much volume should cause too fast of a correction - I think?? Keep thinking on this and holler back. I'm worried sick about this, sitting in front of air conditioner tonight - remember, I was one of the old folks at the Outville Power Show this weekend suffering thru the heat.
  13. Forgot to mention - I did add 2 heavy duty steering stabilizer cylinders and it did help some. Maybe I should have used "coil over shocks" instead. That was meant to be a joke but the more I think about it, the better the idea sounds! If I have too much volume with the capability of too much pressure, just as well make the system work harder to move tires. I looked at the Heidts site. Am I thinking correctly - this is an adjustible proportioning valve? Sounds like interesting idea but the ports are too small for this application. Should be able to find this type of valve with 1/2" ports. Thanks for the ideas and please keep thinking on this. The old truck cruses good 65-70 but the stress levels of steering take a lot of fun from the ride.
  14. Since the topic is power steering - I have 2 cents to add. My old wrecker steered so hard that I looked like an ape after driving a long run. So - removed old steering column, added a Sheppard 49 box from a B-53 mounted inside the frame and used a column from a Freightshaker CO (after some modifications). One finger power steering sitting still BUT no road feel what so ever! This thing is like chasing a snake down the road. Anybody out there with a B-53 that has these problems. I have talked with several people with early R's with Sheppard PS say they have the same symptoms - no road feel, way too easy to over correct because you can't feel where the tires are. Anybody got any ideas?? Have been to alignment twice, new king pins and bushings, new tie rod ends, wheel bearing tight, no slop in Sheppard box, tires start to move as soon as steering wheel is moved either direction. The oil pump that feeds this box is a compressor driven vane pump from a 676 engine. Can it be possible that it is putting out too much volume causing the steering to be too sensitive? Being able to twist steering wheel with one finger sitting still indicates there is plenty of oil pressure available if needed. So, everybody jump on this and lets hear your thoughts before ole Fuzzy Buzzard needs elbow replacements! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge (aka Piety Hill)
  15. The picture of red and black B 75, OUTLAW, in last post looks like Bobby Osborne's truck. He lived in Marietta, Oh area. Is this his old truck? Where is it at now? Think he sold it at Winchester, VA show a number of years ago. That was one fine ride!!
  16. I always run I-81 down to I-70 to I-68 to I-79 to Rt 50 to Parkersburg. That's the shortest route with a tall speed limit.
  17. I agree about missing some trucks at Macungie. I walked from Thursday evening till noon Saturday and also see pics of trucks I never saw. Carl, think you are still just going to drive the H a little bit after it is finished? I figure this first trip to Macungie just blew that idea! We'll be racing to see who gets there first. FYI - 460 miles back (including back country to avoid the jam up on I-78 west bound), made it in 7 hours 50 minutes. Not bad for old man in an old truck. There was more than one person wondered what blew past in the hammer lane!
  18. Rob, your granddaughter looks about like I do sitting on the Hog - legs about a foot short of hitting the ground!!! Maybe that's why I need a bucket to get on mine - never really noticed that problem.
  19. Rob, as broke down as you claim to be - you goin' to ride scooter to Macungie!! Your still toughter than me. I can ride 50 miles and somebody has to hold up the bike and somebody else drag me off the fool thing. Getting to where I need a 5 gallon bucket to even get on. But damn I still love to ride !!!
  20. Somebody needs to buy Dave's B dump. It has been hauled to several shows by well meaning folks just trying to help Nancy sell it. BUT one of these days somebody is going to make a mistake. That will break Nancy's heart.
  21. I had same problem with the B67. Turned out the filter housing was draining - valve not sealing. Worked a bunch on valve, changed valve, no good. Sit for week and housing would be close to empty. 3 ball valves and I cured that problem - just as long as I remembered to open valves before starting. It was a crude cure but work life was full and didn't have time then to tinker a whole lot.
  22. Yep, Jerry still has a bunch of nice old iron - think he may have added another piece or two. Saturday we had dried out enough to get the wrecker round back to pull that truck out to get to the rears you need Carl, BUT I went to Howard's instead. I haven't forgotten about you. The red B dump belonged to Dave McDonald and yes it is super nice piece - 237, fast rears, quad box and excellent rubber. Dave spared no expense on this restoration. Dave lost his battle with cancer in 2017. This is the only piece that Nancy has not sold yet - price $32,000. There is no way you could build this truck for that money so if you are interested in a restored dump that goes down the road, you better think hard about this one.
  23. Interesting!! Where you get, price, part number. My '56 also has "under dash" air wiper motor. Have had trouble with valve several times and it is a pain to get out. Would be great to throw it in trash with motor and replace electrical.
  24. I got it, I got it, I got it - got the sound !!!!!! Doug, the video is even more better since I figured out the sound. It just takes us old folks a little longer
  25. Great job Doug!!!! BUT how do I get the sound - I ain't real good at reading lips
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