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fuzzy buzzard

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Everything posted by fuzzy buzzard

  1. Have a T675 engine here with Jake brakes - anybody know model number of these - can't seem to find a tag anywhere. This engine is going into the LARGE SUV and would like to rebuild Jakes while engine on the floor.
  2. Maxitorque 1076 trans with ride side, cable operated, 6 bolt pto Maxitorque X107 trans with left side, air operated, 8 bolt pto Both from running trucks, have been in covered storage, no shipment - you come and get. DIRT CHEAP!!!!!!! 740-339-4478
  3. Yep, still kicking. Do a lot of fertilizer hauling, 3 grandsons all into garden tractor pulling, shop jobs out the rear, lay awake at night just thinking up more projects, and try to get a little Harley riding in. Other than that, I'm just sitting on my butt doing nothing - that's why I ain't on here much. How you been doing? Still dragging Macks in I see. How old is little Mike now? Give me a call sometimes on house phone around 9 pm. We were hoping to get to York in May - but- wife has double hernia now from a colon surgery 4 years ago - scheduled for surgery May 13. Guess that will wipe out truck shows for several months! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge - The original NO DRONE ZONE
  4. The 2014 edition of B Model Registry is posted on website - oldmacksrus.com - if you have trouble getting on site AND your computer will open Microsoft Word 97, I can email a copy to you. If you can't open Word 97, grab the neighbor kid's smart phone and tell him you will give back when he gets your computer hooked to the site!
  5. A great big thanks to somebody out there is cyberspace!!!!! I posted the original note at 8:30 last night. Somebody saw the note and called Rob. At 10:00 last night, Rob called - seems there is an early & a late version of FA517 axle. Early has bushings top & bottom, late has needle top & bushing bottom. So the meat of the conversation was ------ Rare Parts in CA. 800-621-2005 or 209-948-6005, ext 2105 with get you to Leslie. The kit for FA517 with bushings top & bottom (also includes threaded plugs, thrust bearings, gaskets - everything cept the cuss words to get the old pins out) is RP 30395. Once again, thanks again to who ever called Rob, and thanks to Rob for calling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got pins on the way. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom
  6. Help, Help, Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good friend is looking for set of king pins and thrust bearings for 1961, B73, FA 517 axle with 1QHA4132AP7 on axle beam. According to my old book - kit number is 301 SQA 28E (pin is 7.97" long, 1.513" bottom diameter, 1.247" top diameter with part number 22QH123B, bronze bushings top and bottom). Seems all the aftermarket kits he has gotten, the pin is way too short. Thrust bearing part number - 43 QK 121 P1 Remember - these are part numbers from late '50 early '60 - I bet Mack can't remember how many times they have changed the numbers since then. Please, if anybody can help give me a call 740-742-2203 Over & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom
  7. Ain't this a great topic!!! The old Large SUV has Ohio Historical Plates which should give me diplomatic every where. Right - everywhere cept MD. PA has never given me problems - guess they look at that piece of junk and figure it will never go fast enough to cause a problem. They just look down and start kicking gravels. But MD is bad for me. Scales at Frostburg seem to love me. Last trip - come on in - need to see your CDL and med card! I replied I was tagged Ohio HIstorical as he should have seen and I didn't need a CDL or card. As his neck swelled to the point of busting with me grinning like a jack ass eating briers, I threw out the CDL, fumbled around for a minute or 2, then threw out med card. His neck had swelled so big by that point, his ears were overwidth. I just stood there for a while, picked up my junk and left. Figured there would be hell to pay for that little stunt but he didn't shoot me in the back! Stood around in the lot talking a while and left. Good luck with what ever you deceide to do, cause somebody some where is going to make a problem out of it Out & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom
  8. Case you figured I was dead, well I ain't but I would sure like to kill a computer or 2!!!!! This site got to fancy for my 13 year old box on a dial up connection. It has crashed so many times, I got behind on the B model Registery. Finally bought a new box (with Windows 8 - horrible mistake) but still on dial up. The 2012 edition of registery is about ready to send to the site in Virginia, so maybe it will be up sometime before Obama completely destroys our country. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
  9. Early V-8 were END 864, started in '63 or '64 - think '64 - horsepower 250 I think, have to look up to be sure. Problem was they were all smoke and noise!!!!!! Over and out from Ignorant Ridge
  10. Hey Boys, Quit whinning about chilly temps --- Just think how cold it would have been without Uncle Al's man made global warming!! Fuzzy Buzzard said that
  11. My 1956 B61 does not have a thermostat and I am thinking that all the END 673s with hydraulic governors on the front of the injection pumps did not have thermostats in cooling systems. You just run the hell out of them and the shutters took care of the temperature. How bout it Superdog - give us some guidance on this bit of history. I could be way off base. But I will bet Obama on one thing - this cat ain't learning no damn Spanish!!! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom
  12. David, Interesting story, guess every job has got some type of a dispatcher in it. After 30 years of underground coal mining, I could go on for weeks about the crazy stuff we were told to do. A lot of that crap I have tried to forget. Since the mine sold out and sent us home, I've been part timing in the wrecker business and it is just as silly as coal mining. My son works for school bus dealership and he is constantly fighting with factory over assembly screw ups, designs that don't work, electrical messes that were design problems. Lord help us if we woud ever have to all pull together like the folks during WWII!!!!!!!!!! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
  13. Possibility that the two little short guys will be making loaded trip from Punxsutawney PA to central Montana sometime in early May. Can get a load back right easy but we'd rather haul back a couple of old trucks. If you need a ride, give old Carl Cook a call (814-541-8396 truck phone). Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
  14. I'm with Chuck - don't put too much thought into it! I got a shop full of home made alignment shafts. Piece of round stock in lathe and 20 minutes later we are ready to hang a clutch. Measure the minor diameter of splines and subtract about 0.005, measure pilot bearing ID and subtract about 0.003, measure lenghts of input shaft and pilot stub. Then start cutting! Tom
  15. I was little slow getting the 2007 edition of B Model Registry done but Mr. Umberger (the man with the gaint brain!) wasted no time getting it on the web site - oldmacksrus.com. This edition has 2027 numbers listed so check it out, see if any mistakes and holler back so I can fix. Also the classified ads have changed so you can list your item directly and a discussion forum has been added. Check it out and if you ain't registered your B model - get it done! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
  16. Well said both times Doug!!! Tom
  17. Sorry about the drawings guys - I use the DAG method - Design As you Go. Weld little bit here, if too long, cut off - if too short, weld little more on! Works every time and doesn't require a ##&%!!$! computer. Larry, you are correct about the lateral movement - it is stopped by the lack of clearance between the plates. Movement parallel with frame is controlled by original Mack design (torque leaf in spring stack - remember, both spring hangers are slipper type). Now, vertical movement - this is the part the pics don't show. Frame down to axle is limited by the bumpers inside the air bags. Frame up away from the axle is limited by piece of vertical 3/4" key stock welded to plate that replaces the spring hanger and horiziontal 3/4" key welded to bracket that covers the end of spring. Now, the air bag is stabalized by 2 vertical 3/4" key welded to bracket that covers the end of spring (these 2 pieces of key straddle the key welded to plate that replaces the spring hanger). Got everybody confused???? If you could see the back side of the bracket that covers the end of the spring, you would see an upside down U made of 3/4" key. Kinda getting the idea now?? If I put a trailer on this truck, there is flexing in the channel that the air bags sit on and there is flexing in the bar stock where it meets the bracket that covers the end of spring. The cure for this ----- channel that air bags sit on needs to be an I or H beam and H beam instead of vertical bar stock up to bracket that covers the end of spring. These changes would cure the DAG problem and we could go trailering. But I never pull a trailer with this truck so there you go. Over & Out from the Ridge Tom
  18. Sorry about the drawings guys - I use the DAG method - Design As you Go. Weld little bit here, if too long, cut off - if too short, weld little more on! Works every time and doesn't require a ##&%!!$! computer. Larry, you are correct about the lateral movement - it is stopped by the lack of clearance between the plates. Movement parallel with frame is controlled by original Mack design (torque leaf in spring stack - remember, both spring hangers are slipper type). Now, vertical movement - this is the part the pics don't show. Frame down to axle is limited by the bumpers inside the air bags. Frame up away from the axle is limited by piece of vertical 3/4" key stock welded to plate that replaces the spring hanger and horiziontal 3/4" key welded to bracket that covers the end of spring. Now, the air bag is stabalized by 2 vertical 3/4" key welded to bracket that covers the end of spring (these 2 pieces of key straddle the key welded to plate that replaces the spring hanger). Got everybody confused???? If you could see the back side of the bracket that covers the end of the spring, you would see an upside down U made of 3/4" key. Kinda getting the idea now?? If I put a trailer on this truck, there is flexing in the channel that the air bags sit on and there is flexing in the bar stock where it meets the bracket that covers the end of spring. The cure for this ----- channel that air bags sit on needs to be an I or H beam and H beam instead of vertical bar stock up to bracket that covers the end of spring. These changes would cure the DAG problem and we could go trailering. But I never pull a trailer with this truck so there you go. Over & Out from the Ridge Tom
  19. God help us!!!! Today's big mouth liberals & fools are more interested in stopping cow farts than keeping this nation the Greatest in the world. They want to worry why nobody likes us rather than mash the guts out of those who intend us harm! I better stop before the ole BP gets up. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom
  20. Paul, This idea worked out great for bobtail but needs additional parts if dragging trailer. Give me a call some evening 740-742-2203. Thanks Tom
  21. Well, only got 1 out of 3 pics. Guess I'll hook 2nd pic to this Tom
  22. Paul & everybody else if interested, If I can get pics stuck on this - a B67 I put air ride on. Simple to build and sure saves the guts! Tom
  23. Check the fire truck section of the B Model Registry at oldmacksrus.com and just start calling. These fire truck folks have and know of lots of parts. Tom
  24. Paul, I built a system similar to what you are after for my B67. There are pictures somewhere around the house. Works great, simple to build and sure saves to old neck and guts. I'll start looking for pics but keep after me - I got old timers disease!! 740-742-2203 Tom
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