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fuzzy buzzard

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Everything posted by fuzzy buzzard

  1. Fred, I forgot one major difference!!! That happens as you get older. B61 uses steering box with steering column rigidly attached. B615 uses a Sheppard power steering box with a u-joint at the input shaft. The u-joint is right at the floor board. The steering column attaches to the u-joint. Remember B615 cab sits higher - this causes steering wheel to be much closer to windshield because the steer box has to lay low to clear the engine. A 22" steering wheel is about 1 1/4" from windshield. All these changes because the left bank of the V-8 is tight against the fire wall. To pull the left rear head, the last push rod has to come up with the head until the head can be turned enough for the push rod to clear the fire wall. A V-8 in a B755 doesn't have all the mess because there a bunch of clearance between engine and fire wall. Thats the end of all the good news from Ignorant Ridge! Tom ps I have finished the 2007 B Model Registery but have not sent it to website yet. If you are still having problems with website, send me your email address and I'll try sending you a copy. gannaway@voyager.net
  2. Fred, I forgot one major difference!!! That happens as you get older. B61 uses steering box with steering column rigidly attached. B615 uses a Sheppard power steering box with a u-joint at the input shaft. The u-joint is right at the floor board. The steering column attaches to the u-joint. Remember B615 cab sits higher - this causes steering wheel to be much closer to windshield because the steer box has to lay low to clear the engine. A 22" steering wheel is about 1 1/4" from windshield. All these changes because the left bank of the V-8 is tight against the fire wall. To pull the left rear head, the last push rod has to come up with the head until the head can be turned enough for the push rod to clear the fire wall. A V-8 in a B755 doesn't have all the mess because there a bunch of clearance between engine and fire wall. Thats the end of all the good news from Ignorant Ridge! Tom ps I have finished the 2007 B Model Registery but have not sent it to website yet. If you are still having problems with website, send me your email address and I'll try sending you a copy. gannaway@voyager.net
  3. Fred, I have a B615 with original engine but not set up to email pics. B615 is B61 with cab raised about 1" ( fire wall has a different shape) , fender panel verticle extensions ( fender sets in original position but remember cab is raised), service panels are not as wide as B61 (because big radiator makes the head light panels not as wide as B61). Is there any way you can test drive this V8 before you buy? If it is a 864, a test drive is in order if much money has to change hands. Did you get your B79 home? Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
  4. Vinton is bout 20 miles north of Gallipolis. I live 4 miles north of Vinton on Ignorant Ridge. A lot of maps don't show Vinton. Now, the ball is in your court - where is Gladys, VA? It don't show on map either. I grew up in VA but theres still bunch places there I ain't heard of. Tom
  5. Joe, We need little more info on the gear shift with the splitter - little chrome flipper that goes side to side?? This could be a 9 or 10 speed Unishift and the second stick could be a aux. box (go faster box!). When you crawl under this B to get trans number, look long enough to see if short drive shaft from trans to another small trans. Let us know!!!! For the MR BIG TIME TRUCKER - Rob put my thoughts in civil words. Out here on Ignorant Ridge the language would be - Pal, when you get enough B model miles on your ass, it won't be so smart!
  6. Up here on Ignorant Ridge, its Bluegrass all the time and wide open!!!!!! I grew up in VA close to Galax, lots of Bluegrass in that part of country. Tom
  7. Just read thru all the replys - I can might near taste gear teeth now! Deeper into this man's question. A 6.14 rear on them tiny tires at 70 mph!!!!!!!!! Its going to take about a 0.50 overdrive to make all this happen. A trans with a 0.60 OD and a 3 or 4 way aux box with 0.84 OD = 0.504 OD in highest gear - now we can go down the road!! And with the spur gears in both trans howling, we won't be able to hear that 6.14 rear screaming cause its nearing terminal velocity. Just saw one of your other questions, don't even think about using that 5831 aux cause thats a 500 ft lb box. At least get a 8XXX box, they are 800 ft lb. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom PS Wish I could have gotten pic of the old wide body last Sat - Had my B67 on the hook making 75 mph down I 77 in WV in the 3 stick 2 stack Mack with a shack on the back. Life don't get no better!!!!!!!!!
  8. Charlie, When I was working on my V-8, got some of rings from Mack. For the rest we called Perfect Circle, Hastings or somebody ( memory ain't working right now) with complete dimensions for each ring needed (not part number) and they were able to supply. Might give this a try if you haven't already. Good luck! Tom
  9. This was just a juntion block or terminal strip for the connection of wiring going to pig tail - no fuses, no nothing - just a connection point. You a buy terminal strips at Mack store with various numbers of connection points. Tom
  10. Go to 'oldmacksrus.com', look in info section for wiring diagrams - there is a hand drawn diagram for the series-parallel switch and the battery connections. Hook up batteries as shown on diagram, then start checking voltages at series-parallel terminals. If your problem is in the switch, you'll find it. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
  11. I don't mean to sound like a smart ass - but - just take the screws out. Vents are easier to remove than door handles. It only takes a minute longer than wiping a mirror off on a post in the shed. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom PS Barry, if you change this web site again, you are going to have to ride down here and log me on it. I've been 2 months trying to get logged on!!
  12. Graham, Hook a gummy strap (tarp strap) to the stick and run it over to door. That will stop the rattle and keep the door shut too! Tom
  13. Jim, Man, that is one fine looking corn cob!!!!!! Tom
  14. To determine speed engine rpm divided by transmission ratio divided by axle ratio divided by tire revs per mile times 60 = MPH Think you said TRQ 7220 (should have checked again before I started typing this due to CRS) is 0.70 in 5th high split. Tire revs per mile for 20" or 22.5" is 505 (ball park), 22" or 24.5 " is 470 (ball park) Happy figuring!!! but don't stop at 65, go for 100 mph - you can always slow down some. Tom
  15. I ain't got a clue what the problem is but I hear this right often. Send me a email and I'll return the phone number for Barry Umberger in Max Meadows, VA. He is the brains behind the web site, maybe he can give ypu some help. Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom Guess I might should have given you the address - gannaway@voyager.net or just call, would be faster 740-742-2203 Tom
  16. Hello, raise it fast. If the stupid thing is going lay over, lets get it over with fast - less time to get scared!!! Tom
  17. Trent, Might add the 11th one, I've been guilty of this several times: Thou shall be certain the tail gate chains of thy body are positioned such that thy tail gate will open fully, else the damnation of shoveling shall follow the far longer than the would like. I dumped a load of wet, fuel contaminated clay in the landfill one fine day, forgot to check the gate chains. Raised bed, wait a minute - something don't feel right - crap, chains set for tail gating stone. The bed wouldn't come down with all the load in rear. Asked the compactor operator to push gate in so chains could be unhooked - nope - against company regs. But he had set of bolt cutters I could borrow - how white of him!! Cutting the chains was somewhat like being a sucide bomber! After that little show, for some reason the truck always had to be backed into a tree to latch the tail gate. Life is a blast, long as you last!!!!!! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge, Tom
  18. Super Liner or CH - on a B model website!!!!!! How could you?? How bout a 2 stack Mack with a shack on the back? Tom
  19. If you are talking about an old truck which the threads are probably stretched on the axle, I don't feel they can be adjusted by recommended methods cause the bearings will end up being too tight due to fact the outer nut will push the inner nut however much the threads are stretched. I may be too picky on this but thats my story & I'm sticking to it. Now, adjust inner nut till 0.020 end play, tighten outer nut TIGHT - still got end play? If yes - inner nut ain't tight enough. If no - inner nut is too tight. Keep playing with it till you get 0.002-0.004 preload. May be wise to have somebody on standby for beer runs cause this can take up your afternoon. If you ain't totally drunk by time you finish, you can put hub caps and axles back in. Thats all the news that is news from Ignorant Ridge! Tom
  20. Don't forget the B Model Registery at oldmacksrus.com. Get your information sent in so I can get yours in the registery. Thanks, Tom
  21. There is a wiring diagram in the info section of oldmacksrus.com that covers the 12/24 volt series parallel system and its drawn out simple enough for even me to understand. While you are on the site, be sure to put your B in the registery. Tom
  22. Where are you located? You got a tandem or single axle? What ratio in truck now? Is drive shaft long enough to remove about 4' and a aux. trans? Tom
  23. Bulldog, Use serial number off frame or if none on frame use number on door. If both numbers there but not match, send both in and I'll list door number as Data Plate Only. Sorry so late getting back on your question but been busy couple weeks. Thanks, Tom
  24. Mike, Be sure to check out the B Model Registery at oldmacksrus.com and send your info in to register your truck. You ain't goin to win anything just like the nearly 2,000 other Bs listed. Tom Gannaway
  25. Visit the B-Model Registry website to register your truck and to download the latest edition of the Registry! https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/registry The link is also in the 'MORE' menu at the top of every page! In case you ain't been to 'oldmacksrus.com' lately, Barry Umberger (the man with the giant brain) has loaded up the 2007 edition of the B Model Registry. My computer blew up and I never got the May 2007 update to him. Finally got computer working again and sent in latest version. So if you got your B registered by end of October, you ought to be listed. Everybody check it for mistakes and holler back so I can get them corrected - gannaway@voyager.net -. And if you never got around to registering you B or Bs, get with the program - get your info in!! Over & out from Ignorant Ridge Tom
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