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About TGP

  • Birthday 08/24/1952


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    Metro-East IL. Joined Nov. 2008

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    Old Trucks and Heavy Equip.
    Mack's and Dodge Power Wagons
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  1. Really Sharp looking Truck. Tom
  2. BillyT

    Just sale the date on the post,thought they were coming up with a new scrapping program you were referring to  The one that already took place!

  3. Nice that the old Girl came home. I can understand saving dad's legacy but ever consider getting Rid of the mixer for something more useful? Tom
  4. Sweet! Wish had a better Picture. Tom
  5. That's a pretty clean old hoe! I have a 580D which I bought new. Still runs great. You will get used to it. Nice Find!! Tom
  6. This needs some serious action on our part if we want to keep our old rig's. Urgent Action Alert Oppose Federal Vehicle Scrappage Program Washington lawmakers are drafting a large economic stimulus package to help create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. They want to include a nationwide scrappage program which would give U.S. tax dollars to consumers who turn-in older cars to have them crushed, as a misguided attempt to spur new car sales. The lawmakers need to scrap this idea. The stimulus package is being drafted right now. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to introduce the bill on January 6 and have it approved by Congress by January 20, so that President Obama can sign it into law after he is inaugurated. Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi IMMEDIATELY To Oppose Cash for Clunkers! Call: 202/225-0100 Click here to send an electronic message: http://speaker.house.gov/contact/ the entire article, plus the talking points can be seen here: http://www.semasan.com/main/main.aspx?id=62498 ---- You can also easily find out who your representative is and contact them as well, by going here: http://www.votesmart.org TGP
  7. Try this link also. Quality products. http://www.carburetor.ca/ TGP
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