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ETHAN last won the day on October 21 2019

ETHAN had the most liked content!


  • Location
    Emmett, IDAHO

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    On an endless queast for old iron!!! I love hit and miss engines, Tractors , trucks , farm equipment and Construction equipment

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  1. Rebuilt 471 Detroit Older rebuild It has been sitting on a shelf for around a year taped up and covered make offer
  2. Thank you!!! We won’t to keep the truck as original as possible I’m planning on Building a flat bed for it soon hopefully!! My dad and I have replaced some of the wiring. We replaced all of the main power cables. I would love to have a wiring harness for it just not sure how much that would cost us we are on a limited budget for this truck. Every thing works on the dashboard Lights gauges and switches for now.... but little by little we are working the bugs out of the old dog!!!
  3. Found It!!!!
  4. We found a water pump and got it up and going Now we are working on the brakes and new floors I will post more pictures soon!!
  5. Thank you very much for the info I may actually have a line on a water pump I will post how that turns out thank you everyone for your help
  6. Motor s/n 27102842 I am actually not sure which Continental motor this is 100% any help on that would also be great thank you in advance
  7. I will look!!
  8. You got a spare water pump
  9. I need a water pump for a flathead six cylinder Continental casting number m600k500. Or And impeller and packing kit? Thanks 2082307330 or email olinHP15@gmail.com
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