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Everything posted by Curtis78

  1. I did apply air pressure to the intake manifold while it is installed on the engine. I couldn't get an accurate reading due to the valves being opened. Have you seen these manifolds leak before?
  2. Just a question...I checked the fuel pressure under a load and it was 76 psi which is supposedly good. What about fuel volume?? When I look in the tank while the engine is running there is a fair amount of fuel being returned.
  3. I completely bypassed the compressor system. Removed the air supply hose from the intake and left it naturally asperated. Put a pipe plug in place of the fitting in the intake manifold. Just test drove the truck and it didn't change anything. So that rules out the compressor and or the dryer. Since the boost comes and goes very suddenly and intermittently, with no pattern to the chaos, is it possible something is wrong with the uni-pumps? Maybe injectors?
  4. I do have abs codes. Didn't realize they could effect the engine. SID 151 FMI 14 SID 2 FMI 14
  5. Okay one more question. If it is a wiring problem somewhere would it set a code? Mack dealer said if it was a wiring issue there would be a code set. So that's why they don't believe it to be a wiring issue.
  6. Even though they said they disabled it? Still check it out?
  7. Is it possible for the torque limiting switch on the transmission to cause this symptom? It has a Maxitorque T2130 transmission. When I asked the dealer about this they told me they turned that function off in the ECM.
  8. Fuel pressure was checked under a load.
  9. We have a 2001 Mack CH613 E-7 460 XT that I'm working on. Will not build consistent boost. Engine will suddenly build boost for 20 or 30 seconds and run great then it stops and goes back to no power. Truck doesn't have a wastegated turbo or a vgt turbo. Checks I have made or performed. No lighting bolt, has only came on momentarily once in three weeks. Had some stored codes. Saved codes and then cleared. Went through the test procedures on the codes and came up with nothing. Fuel pressure at idle 68psi, at 1400+ rpm's 76psi. Base engine oil pressure at idle cold 60+ psi, hot at idle 22+ psi. Pressure checked air cooler and hoses, ok. Visually checked engine wiring harness and also wiggle tested some of the dash harness while the truck was driven by another driver. Also did a complete service on the engine. Previous owner threw a bunch of parts on this truck (we just bought the truck last month)....new throttle pedal, numerous new fuel lines, new crossover valve, new turbo, etc, etc. We took the truck to the local Mack dealer last week and they kept it all week. They swapped turbos just to check, swapped a known good ECU and ECM just to check. They replaced both timing sensors, fuel temp sensor, intake air temperature sensor, both coolant temp sensors and the boost pressure sensor. They checked, removed and cleaned the engine ground and frame ground.
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