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About mumblymack76

  • Birthday 05/27/1976


  • Location
    white plains NY

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    I have been a big Mack fan since I was 4yrs. I am particularly fond of DM Macksand Mack History. I built models and collect diecast Macks. I am also a aviation enthusiast.
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  1. I hope I am in the right section. Up to what year DM cab will fit a 1974 DM 600 dump which currently has a the round back style, 237 engine with twin stick? Any tips, advise or price range ideas will be appreciated.
  2. My uncle has a 1974 DM 600 dump truck that needs a new cab. Does any one know up to what year DM model will fit this truck? I don't know if it matters but it currently has curved back cab style, fiber glass hood, with a 237hp engine and twin stick 6sp. It is still a working truck. What is the price range of one in good condition? Any good ideas where to find one in the Miami area for export? Any tips ideas on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  3. This Mack DM 800 tractor is listed as the #2 off the line and the first of its type sold to the public. Could this be true? It seems to need quite a bit of work. I searched under Mack DM on ebay search but here is the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1967-Mack-D...ercialQ5fTrucks
  4. Is it me or is true that the MH was not as popular as the other cab overs in it's time? I noticed alot more cab over Internationals, KW/Pete, Freightliners etc than the better looking Mack MH when they were being built. They also seem to be quite a bit cheaper than a comparable conventional Mack and were alot less popular than over the road R models. I know that when the restrictions on the length of the tractor trailer's were lifted the production of over the road cab overs pretty much ended. However I would like to have seen more MH cab overs compared to the competition on the road. Any thoughts from drivers of the MH?
  5. Did all the U- models keep the flat back cab after the DM/R models went to the curved back in 74? I notice some U-models of 80s build with the flat back.
  6. Are the Macks made for export available with non-electronic engines, and do they still make the older Mack types or engines in other countries? I know that some car companies when they discontinue production of a certain model, still make it in other markets to keep costs down or because they do not have to meet stringent regulations in the foreign market eg. the original Beetle. It would be good to know that the R, DM or the older Mack engines etc are still made in other countries for their market. Some Eureopean Truck companies still made older model trucks for markets in South America, Africa , Asia years after they were discontinued in Europe. I think Britsh Leyland still made older Leylands and engines for markets in India and Mercedes still built older trucks for the Indian markets. I am almost sure that early Tata trucks were rebadged older Mercedes.
  7. I visited the Haul Of Fame Museum in Canterbury C.T in 2001. It was great, not only was there very nice trucks inside but there were some interesting unrestored ones outside. Is it still there and is it still opened to the public? Some of the trucks were very rare or one of the kind. I remember seeing Mr Yaworski's End of the Line Superliner at shows but I have not been to many shows lately so I do not know if the collection is still around.
  8. Thanks, do you know why the U700 had a taller hood? Could be engines, different frame etc?
  9. I wish Volvo had treated Mack the way Ford treated Volvo cars when it bought Volvo. Ford did borrow and share some some chassis/platforms and technology from Volvo but it not change its identity . Volvo cars still make great reliable cars and it is difficult or impossible to see a Ford connection from a customer's point of view. I am in the auto business that is why I have observed this. It would be great if the Volvos were just borrowing Mack technology and not taking the Mackness out of Mack. I think a Mack/Scania merger would have been a better fit and Scanias seem like tough trucks too. In todays market it is hard for auto compaines to survive without some type of alliance because research and development of technology is so expensive especially when they have to meet regulations such as emissions.
  10. I also notice that on the U-model the hood is extended longer downwards between the lights and the bumper compared to the DM or the R. I just noticed it today after going through the many wonderfull pictures on this site. I always knew there was something different in the looks on the hood between the DM and the U but could never quite figure out what it was.
  11. Did the 237 or maxidyne design have and influence from Scania or was it 100% designed by Mack?
  12. Thanks, was the frame usually shorter if it is a tractor and were there any mechanical difference to a U- tractor?
  13. I know that Mack is now owned by Volvo and before that by Renault. I was sad to find out that the current Mack engines are really Volvos. Which engine was the last truely designed Mack engine? Could it have been the the E6 or E7?. Were the current Mack engines designed excusively by Volvo or were they co-developed with traditional Mack engineers here in the U.S. ? I hope that the current Mack transmissions and rears ( with driveshaft on top) are still 100% Mack designed. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks
  14. When the dm production ended a few years ago , does anyone know who bought the last DMs. I was hoping to visit the factory and see the last Dm roll of the line but I lost track and when I found out the production had already ended it was too late. I have seen the last Superliner built because I saw it a Macungie and the owner had end of the line on the back. I believe he also has the 2nd to last.
  15. I have always liked the off set Dm cabs and the U- cabs. From what I know the DM were for Dumper/mixer but I have seen literature with DM600 tractors but never one in real life, only the DM800 . I have also seen U600 tractors and was wondering what is the difference between the DM600 tractor and the U600 tractor? Is the DM heavier ? , because the few U600 I have seen seems to have smaller wheels compared to the DM.
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