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MackSTL68 last won the day on March 29 2021

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  1. Thanks for the compliment. I still have 12 unbuilt and 2 almost finished.
  2. Looks good Bob at least you have a rolling chassis now.
  3. That’s cool. I’ll have to post more of mine but I’ll start a different thread on mine so I won’t be hijacking. I just got done building the Walthers Freight Building like yours. Here’s a pic of it with a White Frieghtliner I built many years ago I hand painted the red stripe on it. It’s on a Switching layout I’m building in the house.
  4. Looks good Bob nice updates.
  5. Thanks Paul I appreciate the compliment. This one is now my favorite been wanting to do this build for many years I’m glad I got it done. Yes over time those truck seems to fall apart still have a lot of Mack’s to build some are almost finished guess I need to get them done and out of the way.
  6. Thanks Bob looking forward to it.
  7. No I rattle can it all with some hand painting.
  8. I would paint it interior Green or cockpit green like they were before 1973.
  9. You bet. If you ever get going on that DM make a thread
  10. Yes it’s been very cold here. I have a small farm so I’m out in it every morning and evening I’ve got plenty to keep me busy including my hobbies.
  11. This is one of my best I think I’ve built
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