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    Allen township, Pa (Northampton)

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  1. This truck is located in allentown Pa. at a place called stengle bros frame and spring shop , Ihave had work on our macks done there very good and depenable service owner name is cassey
  2. Name: 1958 B42x Date Added: Owner: h67mack http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/user/2956-h67mack/'>h67mack
  3. Dear gentlemen this bring back a lot of memery's I ran a lot of R models back in the early 80"s mast were posative ground unit , I took the ash tray out and mounted a piece plywood over the top of the dash board . put my cb radio and an AM/ FM radio on this. Could hook is up in any unit I had to run, THe radio"s were insulatied from the thruck just grounded throw the antenna mount on the mirror bracket
  4. I am glade to see there is some body else out there still uses good older truck for a little work from time to time it keeps them in better shape and you feal the joy of running the trucks . Idid change the exhaust on are c-607 from 3.5 in to 4 in under the cab , used the oridenal pipe from the manifold down a long side the transmission then stepped it up to 4 in pipes and elbes , then also installed a spark arrester or resinator to tone it down just a little but still sounds real good keep that good looking truck running thanks bob
  5. everything is outside. look on yahoo maps. 185 mud lane 18067. my H isn't home yet...it will after we get a garage up.
  6. I will take some pics over the weekend of the C.
  7. the neighbor decides to walk in our yard and look to see what is inspected or registered.
  8. But the neighbor can have a 2 hole golf course on his property and hit golf balls into our yard. I hate hitting them with the lawn mower!!!
  9. We have 1928 AC 1956 B42 1958 B42X 1959 H67 1963 C607 1982 CRUISELINER 2004 VISION 7 SEMI TRAILERS 1938 LEHIGH VALLEY CABOOSE 1963 MOTORCAR 1973 DATSUN PICK UP 1978 DATSUN PICK UP 1982 Z28 2+2 1982 TOYOTA PICK UP 1985 TOYOTA TERCEL 1992 GMC S15 JIMMY 1995 BUICK REGAL AND A 2 CAR GARAGE
  10. no the AC is not for sale. As far as the battery box, that is how it was when we got it. We used a 12 volt to spin the motor. I just want it to find a good home.
  11. We need to sell this...Township is getting on us for having antique trucks!
  12. Sorry I don't know the serial number. The truck was parts out a few years ago by a friend of ours.
  13. Nice never repaired u model hood. Has mack scripts on the side of hood and mack letters on front. turn signals, wire harness needs paint $1200 or best offer
  14. 5 speed, motor is free, we had it running last year needs body work, needs a rebuilt carb, has a rebuilt starter was a flat bed doors are tight asking $2500 or best offer
  15. Hey Gregg not nice to see that mack on the hook of any kind other than an good old MACK with a step deck trailer Hoping to look at my frame in a couple of week when the wheather gets better just remember we do not haul old MACKS, we HAUL NEW ones too. C-607 MACK
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