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    West Frankfort, IL

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  1. I am looking at purchasing a 1952 C45DT municiple bus coach conversion. It has a 673 diesel. Not sure if it is a open chamber Thermodyne or early style French design as it is a 1952 and I haven't seen it in person. I do know it has the Spicer 184 2 speed trans. From what I have been able to find, it has a 5.74 rear gear. I would like to try and find a 3.50 or 3.87 gearset for it, but I don't even begin to know what axle is even in it, so searching parts is kind of futile. Just looking for some insight... Any help is appreciated.
  2. Talking to current owner. Hoping...
  3. bwhitt80@gmail.com Currently talking to the gentleman that currently owns the Yonkers bus pictured above. Very quality coach conversion. Hoping... Price is good. Should also add that there are less than 700 hours on the clock.
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