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About BHWizard

  • Birthday 02/22/1958


  • Location
    Railton, KY

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    I have a masters in woodworking and have been a professional woodworker over thirty years.
    I current have a second business selling and installing L.E.D. lighting. Mainly traveling to motorcyle rallies around the US.
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  1. I hope you have a lot of really good paying work for this truck and really like to get greasy and spends lots of money. Do not worry about fixing every leak. In the beginning just fix what you have to to pass inspection,BE SAFE, and do the work you need done. As profits allow start fixing the things most needed to insure that money keeps flowing. Paint and chrome seldom make any money. The better option is probbly to put the truck back on the market or sell it for scrap. You can buy a good working truck for less than what you are going to spend fixing the old battle scared dog. I can sell you a 1984 W model that is in excellant condition and ready to work just add a driver and fuel. $4000.00 BHWizard 270.678.7215
  2. Name: Mack Custom Cruisliner (1981) Date Added: 08 December 2009 - 05:46 PM Owner: BHWizard Short Description: Highly modified Cruisliner. Still a work in progress View Vehicle
  3. Name: Mack Western Cruiseliner WS 767 LST (1981) Date Added: 30 November 2008 - 06:39 PM Owner: BHWizard Short Description: I believe the truck was origionally a freight shaker. Was last used by a rigging company to deliver cranes. Has a PTO and wet system. View Vehicle
  4. I have several more photos. I have tried to post them, but have not had any luck. I will try again.

  5. Hello there,

    I am very interested in MACK Cruiseliners and I came across the Cruiseliner photos you posted. I have to say the Cruiseliner with the high rise sleeper has caught my eye.

    I build model trucks and I have often thought of making a Cruiseliner with a high rise sleeper.

    If you have any more photo's of this Custom Cruieliner would it be possible to see them

  6. Thanks Guys, After reading everyones comments, I think I've just come up with a solution for my situtation. I am building a toterhome so I am looking for a 24' x 102 w x 108 h box with rollup door to convert into a camper. Which means I will be needing a couple of deep cycle batteries also. With that in mind, What do you think about this setup. I use 2 group 31s in the drivers side battery box, On the right side I run 2 large deep cycle batteries. (mainly for camper use) But with a battery switch that will allow me to connect them to the start batteries if needed. I used to run a similar setup on a sportfishing boat I had years ago. I could tie my trolling batteries to the start batteries in case of a emergency. It no fun being on the ocean when 1 engine won't crank and you have to crawl back to shore. Brian
  7. It does have a block heater, I have not tested it to see if it works. I just found it tonight, the cord is partially severed, so a repair is necessary. I do not plan on using it a lot in cold weather, So I am going to try to stict with the 3 battery setup for now. I will have to have new battery cables made before going to the 4 battery setup and money is auwful tite right now.
  8. Hi Guys Need some advise. In the process of restoring an 81 Cruiseliner, Powerd by a 350 Cummins. I have room for 4 large batteries, How many do I really need? It had 2 car batteries in it when I drove it home. Thanks, Brian
  9. I just joined a few days ago, still trying to figure out how the posting works. I bought an 1981 Mack Western cabover Model WS 767 LST Vin# 1M1Y177YXBH058139. This is my first Mack so I don't know much about them. I am rebuilding my Bulldog , going to cut her into stretch the frame 15' and build a class 8 motorhome. 24 foot living quarters plus a 12' garage bihind the tandems. I have a small business sell and installing LED lighting. I need something to live in and work out of while doing on site installs. Any information on this model or parts trucks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brian
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