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Everything posted by mechohaulic

  1. and you didn't have to plug in a computer so as to recalibrate the fuel system; did you !LOL
  2. no way the word hero applies ; it's more about things so different then; in just about every aspect. Family/ friends, even the food we eat!! speaking of proud moments and helping a Friend== passing by a truck I knew well , hood open side of the road. there stood Mr. Moffo Sr. short version =I stopped : cummins no start; as with many things of the day (no computer) a simple turning of pump screw to bypass electrical shut off got things running. payment = = a hand shake and Thank You, from a Man so respected by me.
  3. that's the challenge for us old folk ;; WE ARE OLD ENOUGH TO know more then that. words can't explain . didn't need to be a shirt and tie ;; it was the positive attitude . I drive every day on I-84 in ct. parts are which are 3-4 lane. there are tractor trailers in 2nd lane going up hill lower then posted speed (65 mph) while 3/4 th lane empty !!! NO ONE CARES . not patting myself on back ;; BUT yrs back couple of disabled trucks were repaired by stopping and assisting. no $$ just "gettum going'
  5. don't attempt to stop for a disabled unit on side of highway anymore as in days of old. need a computer or Wrecker for tow. sadly looking at the one behind the wheel ????? where did the respectable truck drivers go ??? SO FU-- in DIFFERENT TODAY . !! sorrry kids
  6. being old !! please explain -- is there a difference in "being high VS being intoxicated ??? a long day of running a die grinder prepping steel for welding.
  7. without a doubt different today's world. main reason : liability; also lack of knowledge . yrs ago -after full day of work, did road call from CT to Maryland to change alternator on company COE. then there was a road call to upstate NY to change a steering box on K-123 COE during ice storm after a 8 hr work day. stayed in motel that early morning, today's world seems to say _ tow it in , were not chancing road calls.
  8. what's this "a long time ago " stuff !!!! it was a while back !!!! LOL
  9. I'm glad there are those who have the technology and ability to correct us old folks. THANK YOU . I did same error while back confusing two CT companies earth works with Earth movers. so many changes have takin place,
  10. unknowingly YOU have joined our club. LOL . wait till the weight gain !! but where did this come from.
  11. New Haven truck rental - north Haven CT . could see their yard from I-91 . YES Jones transport had the F model day cabs (like many new England fleets).
  12. your going to find yourself in the same "boat" as many of us "retired"!!! between the real DM600/ the dm-800 model/ ford louisville / wife's to do list etc; back to work will be a vacation !!! LOL
  13. such a different world we live in; sad.. seems common sense has turned to parts changing at a VERY expensive cost .
  14. now that picture is a F-700 with a gold dog (maxi) on front ((?))and doors. I should have taken notes back then . Bozzotos of cheshire (down st from where I live now) had a fleet of F models back then ;; I'm thinking they were F600's ;maxi's with 5 speed. only F-700 I remember was the burgandy/ white F-700 from factory with the new experimental V-8 866 thermodyne .
  15. same differences as a R_600 vs R-700. basically drive train.
  16. another memory maker;; delivered alot of those to new Haven Truck Rental (NHTR).
  17. now lets not promote violence !! it's NOT a shot GUN ;;it's a personal protective device .,,, just sayin
  18. You have the earlier version. I went and checked ;; mine is the ford louisville "short hauler" blue cab / silver box truck. it's AMT/ ERTL. not AMT/matchbox.. knew companies did the buy out route. yours is green cab silver box with a produce co. decal if memory is correct. like many things today the older version plastic models are made with better quality.
  19. one is an earlier version. I'd place bet the green/white is the earlier version. both same truck. easy way to tell is by the box. early one just AMT ; later box would be AMT/ matchbox?? companies bought out each other.
  20. worked 1/2 day at the farm then ''actually tried to "hide" from the world this afternoon by being in the basement to work on a 1/25th scale model that has been on the "production line "for months. did great till wife came back. LOL in case your wondering :: NO plastic glue and Yukon Jack don' t work well together.
  21. I'm assuming Robert ; Not American bosch pump ??
  22. If it's the one I'm thinking (also 1 I have in inventory) it's a blue LN box -on cover , straight truck
  23. days of ole there was also a situation with the air bag itself leaking. not always the line to but also the ole bag itself. married men know about the ole bag full of air .
  24. back in the day; the fan was engineered to be in locked (on ) mode with AC. with fan off during AC operation engine could go into overheat situation. another nice item of days of old with roof mount AC units;; they were totally separate from engine operation. todays units having condenser in front of radiator along with intercooler and whatever else ;; the fan is set to stay on with AC. NOTE: this info based on old school.
  25. bought my Hino new in '93, best little workhorse ever. checked out the ford F-450 (?) . compared the hino to isuzu ; UD; of the day .Hino few $ more but worth it. 4 cyl with exhaust brake which worked well. cabovers way better than ford/ GMC . turning radius ; length . had a custom built flat bed dump made for it. chassis sat in my garage for a yr brand new waiting for me to build it. everyone else's iron came first; mine sat. sent it to Bobby Worden = excellent welder/ fabricator. difference from Hino vs my '77 F-350flatbed ;;; the ford was PTO hyd dump. Hino I went with electric over hyd dump.
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