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Everything posted by mechohaulic

  1. no where in the conversation was it stated whether the valve was a constant leak or when brakes are applied. brake cans leaking internally maxi to service usually exhaust out the frame quick-release valve . being new to owning a '70's mack; hope you pay very close attention to the how's and proper way to change a brake can!!! I would doubt the cans are original. the old cans were able to have BOTH diaphrams changed. fortunately new cans are no longer able to disassemble maxi side..
  2. nothin' like makin a guy feel OLD !!LOL class of "69 here. had a bad ticker since 12 yrs old. open heart repair in 2015. point being my brother did nam, uncle was POW and purple heart recipient ; saw my uncles back one hot summer day;; looked like picture of the moon with all the craters. results of shrapnel explosion. he never talked about it. took a lot of pain and blood to get this freedom.
  3. these and many other pictures are what should be on the news channels ; not the crap they show . let the rioters see why they have the chance to do what they do. but then the ratings won't be that great. THANK YOU for these post. May God have mercy on the many POW'S and MIA'S
  4. not for nothing; reading all the technical ideas that are on track ., did anyone consider maybe the brand of oil being used isn't holding up . the pictures show a definite problem with foreign matter raising havoc with bearings etc; the oil itself may be breaking down ,,
  5. always keep cardboard for coverage also , it might start burning; easier to put small smolder out that paint repair.
  6. back in the mid 70's mack truck Waterbury ct sold an entire construction fleet ;;;; MB concrete pumpers, DM dumps and tractors to Poland..being a Polish lad ;; I was glad Poland knew quality ..
  7. I'm liking the clean organized shop. did notice a couple of the pics where the cutting was going on, I screwed up a mirror once while cutting and the sparks pitted the glass. always cover the mirrors or windows when sparks are flying. trucks looking real good
  8. auto trans and XM radio aren't the first thing the "kids"look for;;;; first question is : wheres the AC switch!!! my answer -- drive a B-model ,they have the best AC . just turn the little vent window in and drive fast. faster you go better AC works.. LOL
  9. Beautiful looking machine, enough to make me come out of retirement to drive .. NO plastic all steel
  10. don't ever recall a gold dog having a gold base. always chrome. but then again the wife expects me to remember things I don't . LOL
  11. never cared as much for the R-model hood after they changed to a three piece hood. older one piece was nicer looking without the seam on back fender wells. times change . sure it must have been cheaper to make ..
  12. where in ct are you. stone construction (exit 14 off 84) last I saw had a manual steering box sitting on the shelf in a very messed up parts room. George still has the #1 R607T ; doubt he will use the box. I've worked for stone for 25 + yr : 20 yrs ago. was there last yr helping out. heard there is a superliner hood in one of the storage trailers and a good bumper also. interested tell ryan ::: Dave sent you.
  13. is that Beard's B -81 to the left ??? Allen always had some fine looking trucks all black . remember the day Waterbury mack set up two dumps; all black and chrome . anticipated selling to Beard; tried to get account from new haven mack. seems one was DM800 another RD600. beard told Waterbury to stick them. LOL heads would roll. a lot of money in chrome . don't remember where they went
  14. install the shuttle valve. challenge is to remember the trolley WON'T hold the dump truck it self any more
  15. straight trucks had trolley set to rear service brakes through the treadle valve. when it's set up for trailer operation' the treadle valve HAS to have a shuttle valve installed. lt's a small valve many times threaded in to the treadle valve. more like a Tee -valve. some have brake light switch also. when foot brake applied, inside shuttle internally blocks air to trolley; likewise pull trolley applying trailer brake ; tractor brakes not applied. without shuttle valve every time foot brake applied. air would exhaust through trolley . in your case every time trolley applied truck service brakes come on
  16. I know they were/are out there ; it's just a better day when the job ticket said working on a DM800. had a head gasket job on old white day cab with 220?cummins slant six half cab. like the half cab 600 ; install 2nd 3rd head and torque 6 corner 325lb studs;; another back breaker. those are the days you look to hang an engineer.
  17. I can blame half my back problems to those U/ D(a)M dog houses ;LOL , wouldn't want to count all the starters I changed through the yrs on off set cabs. half in cab engines no easy way to remove or install starters . raises havoc on body today twisting and turning half upside down.
  18. the FCSW could be cause for debate as an off-set. the cab isn't flush with the body, has driverside fender wider then cab, bulldog on radiator cap some what centered with front windshield center line. hood design makes off set appear greater. drove both DM600 and 800 dumps basically you are on the body line. yes /no the FCSW was an off set relative
  19. The 800 series gave a person the opportunity of higher horsepower for a heavy haul mover. imagine working on a 600 with a 864 /866 V8 or large cummins or cat. and besides what a beautiful majestic looking truck :DM800 LOL.
  20. I know I'm getting old when looking at pictures like these and realize ;; I worked on his fathers trucks. I see curt's address as Roxbury. I worked many years for AJP milk haulers also .
  21. my starting place ' great place; good people ,, march 3, 1969 $1.70 per hr.. waterbury
  22. what did Roxbury FD do with the MB fire truck from the '70's . I worked for Mack at the time and installed the jake brake. it was the first and only MB with a jake. factory said it couldn't be done, wrong.
  23. Dom Sr is a great person . another good company " chased out of business" Thanks state of connecticut
  24. can't see last three unit numbers, i'll almost guarantee I delivered that truck when it was new . different body when new
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