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Everything posted by mechohaulic

  1. opposite end of new wire ,is that going to ground? usually there is only one wire to pump which grounds it self. now a days they may be using the pump switch as an on/off to complete the circuit with two wires the pump switches were a royal pain in a -- -. brass tab inside always failed. if its staying on with red wire to ground, i'd say try adjusting screw on pump slightly. doubt wire colors can be seen that weathered. based on picture,14 R/G (red/ green ) should be from circuit breaker; 14 BR (brown) goes to pump switch to complete ground side ;14 B (black). to cyl heads. definitely don't want to open top cover with all that dirt around it. firewall connection pictures aren't the worse ever, not that there isn't chafing wires or connections wrong. brake works when grounded . unravel the tape see what it looks like. maybe not bad ,tapes only holding plugs together (ya right !!) wiring is always fun when someone else has been there before...
  2. He's not the only other guy ! LOL .. no facebook, or other for me. I miss the flip phone, now I have a " smart phone" .rarely use it , NEVER thought i'd see the day when I did a road call and didn't leave the shop. thanks to a young driver that couldn't understand how to find a relay in control box. he says "don't you have a smart phone"? my reply-how the h - - l do I know if the phone is smart or not ! short story ; he used his phone connected to mine , I watched as he moved his phone through the box till I said there's the breaker . reset and hes on his way. L-n-L had a phone on the wall;; I go back to a phone table in the corner with black rotary phone with a party line connected.
  3. From the album: mack B model manual / other

    scratch built tag axle. four car air cleaners glued and painted flat black for air bags. bought new version of DM 800 for missing parts needed;; WHAT a price difference since '71
  4. From the album: mack B model manual / other

    after alomost 48 yrs in storage. this mack site has me back with the models.
  5. From the album: mack B model manual / other

    never saw one. comes in plastic case .mirror on other side
  6. From the album: mack B model manual / other

    '49 EE plowing snow. my daughter running shotgun
  7. From the album: misc days gone by

    my "shop" with mack in for rebuild. back of my hino flatbed.
  8. From the album: misc days gone by

    notice light blue F models in back row.
  9. From the album: misc days gone by

    spare yard at Waterbury mack . new units waiting for un deck.
  10. From the album: misc days gone by

    mack after someone ran stop sign. notice mack on air horns, fender panels, hood with custom modified mount and don't miss the name on grill. officer wrote report as '77 mack truck. custom made bumper (never finished) is 3/8 alum plate welded coners.
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