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Everything posted by mechohaulic

  1. From the album: misc days gone by

    my '77 ford (mack)load of hay for delivery
  2. few pictures from NJ truck races. back when most were new
  3. unfortunately "we" live in a throw away society , if the 800's were built today exactly as it was then ; eliminate all the plastic :: the cost would be $$$$$ . and they would last forever. manufactures don't want things lasting long. company I know in CT bought new triaxle last yr (not mack ). $240 K. has been back to dealer more than on the road . gone are the days of handful of tools get it going on side of road. now it's the million dollar wreckers that go out and tow it in. going to try and load some pictures of days gone by. not the best;; pictures taken back in the 80's with a camera ! truck drag races in NJ. funniest thing to watch two DM 800's race each other in the 1/4 mile. and how fast can you shift a quad!! LOL
  4. not much of a TV guy, the pickers show is a setup deal. being in TN now , I went to their store in Nashville. point is I watch the show to see the number of places that still have acres of good stuff . old iron be it trucks, tractors etc. i'd like to follow them just to see the barns full of history, and the ole timers that have stories . many yrs back I went to the Kemp museum in NH . honored to have talked with Mr Kemp. acres of great trucks. have a few pictures some where .
  5. sure would like to come out of retirement and work in that shop. .looks like the days when a mechanic rolled his toolbox to a job; NOT a computer.. my day off would be spent with a loader hooking and moving all the iron outside so oil would coat the top half of gears in drivetrains . good to have all the iron , but dampness from ground raises havoc as the yrs go by .
  6. the air force had the majestic B-17's : the mighty 8th,,art world has the mona lisa ;; trucking industry has the DM800 . fantastic in every way. back in the day I was lucky enough to drive triaxle 800 . not only great truck, lunch time you sat on fender (try that with plastic trucks today) and hood doubled as a table !LOL
  7. studying the picture of the 2090 trans earlier post which has mounts installed correctly, could it be possible being an RL the mounts would go on backwards? I've never seen mounts turned around; but back in the day mack westerns weren't common on the east coast. when everything is pushed forward and looking good, how far off are the four bolt holes? same distance + - to proper line up if turned around? stated earlier trans work was done. do you know the same combo was put back? there aren't that many different set ups for bellhousing / mount combos if mack components are used . RR trans would have different mounts ,
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