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Everything posted by mechohaulic

  1. reality is the fact it's so dam sad a person (working/homeowner) has to go to the extremes of protection and the low Lifes have more rights !! while gassing up my vehicle this afternoon; a Veteran walked out of the convenience store and sat at outside table. I back my jeep up so He was able to see the back window which proudly states "NEVER FORGET OUR VETERANS AND WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR OUR COUNTRY/also a P O W decal. He thanked me ; next He said " and the immigrants (meaning border crossers ) get all the freebies. It sadden me to hear and realize He was right.
  2. sadly, today's world, homeowner is in more trouble when trying to protect their own property. trick is as mentioned 1-make sure not only are the scum IN your house but ;; 2- put enough shots in same spot so law enforcement can't tell if shots came from the back or front. unless of course you are using a 12 ga .my favorite.
  3. sadly it's only going to get worse with the thousands of border crossers. most having idea "we have more rights then you AMERICANS . politicians need our votes they told us to come over to this country.
  4. trucks looking real sharp. the alum tank definitely sets it off . it is with out a doubt different then most. not just the model of the truck it self but the sleeper cab/ vizor/ and the one large trumpet on top just to name a few of the oddities .
  5. sure I'm wrong = will blame bad eye sight this time. that yellow circled hole don't look like any weephole I remember. blue one more like it. other then the tab on the blue hole looking as though an impeller had something to do with it. no leak or wobble ?
  6. any idea of your next appearance at a show?? have been looking forward for weeks to may 5th since you wrote of having high hopes of the B 73making it debut there. due to conflicting events same day I can't make the Deerfield show. the Knights of Columbus , to which I am a member are hosting an important gathering ;;;Darn . 52 weeks a year/ 365days a year seems everything takes place same day.
  7. before the days of the poppit ball vent , tanks had the 1/4 copper tubing which came straight off the 90 degree fitting = out couple of inches then had a towards the sky bend which looped back down 1 1/2. never had to worry about a ball sticking; only situation was the darn bees making a nest and clogging the pipe! LOL
  8. and the best part:::looks like she's a jeep girl. I'm going out to polish mine right now , case she shows up
  9. apologize Sir didn't intend to double up on your statement. I did NOT read back that far.
  10. besides all the fun; think of all the history you are saving. also rattle in vent is definite better. little metal ball lets pressure out and keeps foreign from going in.
  11. possibly there isn't a need for sealed/lined tankers : 1- product doesn't stay in the tank for days or longer ;2- the owners of the tankers don't care , they don't use the product. and yes they still must own a gas vehicle to which they fill up at a gas station =after the delivered product sits in an under ground alum storage tank . in that case , we ALL put gas in our private vehicles which came from alum storage tanks. crap gas stored in alum tanks.
  12. also "back in the day " the gas like many items today was very different. wouldn't consider the hose/ suck the gas from tank in today world. if reason is for mechanical reasons it's understandable. tank needs to have a pump etc, the algae stories many prove other wise .
  13. far out thought; gas vs alum becomes a hassle , and staying with the gas ; even though you have the alum tank , acquire a steel tank and paint it alum ??
  14. either the cable had a sharp bend / kink ; as a result of way too long; the length shouldn't be a major factor since both ends of outer cables which have long enough thread to adjust clevis to clutch pedal / transmission arm are secured to mounting brackets.
  15. another positive when we lived in TN (one of many); there were gas stations which still sold real gas.
  16. that shows why iron in this country headed to scrap yard is bought up by those in export business and making millions. scrap here that is considered top shelf to those as in the video. just think ;; "driver "in video is behind (half) wheel of his large car super rig.
  17. don't know where to start about that one !! the half steering wheel ?? ; racing through what appears to be crowded area ! left leg never moved once for clutch ! the dance steps right leg did for shifting .. THAT IS HILARIOUS !!!!!
  18. can't help with that ;2004 is brand new to this ole man, LOL . you should receive an answer soon when these "youngsters" wake up . LOL now a R/U or similar system= is different.
  19. another question :: what did the 73 end up with for tail/ stop lights??? last picture showed a "temporary" bracket set up . all frontal pictures show where it's going ; how did the back section end up so we can see where it went . LOL
  20. have always had the utmost respect for cables/ chains , yrs back on road call for truck over railing; nose hanging over train tracks. co-worker standing side of trailer where chains/ cables hooked . I was in cab running controls= not in back of wrecker. loud snap ; the cable recoiled towards wrecker faster then anyone could react had they been standing in back of wrecker. 60 +feet between trailer/ wrecker . cable ended up under/ in front of wrecker.
  21. bet that's why so many dairy farms had to close. milk hauling tanks got bigger. LOL
  22. correction ;can't be a chain drive winch;;it's mounted to body which tilts. must be a hyd winch set up going to pump / pto arrangement.
  23. winch picture two ; drop down chain drive going to shaft on P T O ? pic :three gap under body between hyd res and rear wheels is possible location of tool box.? should add character to truck and use the space. door big enough would be excellent place for just the touch of pin stripe ::maybe ?
  24. HI way SOMEWHERE !! you could have at least got the route number and direction;; now the BMT crew sees what kind of a friend you are !LMAO one thing for sure those "tanks" aren't alum. someone must recognize the highway or mountain range ... thanks for the picture
  25. with out a doubt, round tanks will hold the rubber of what ever used way better. tank in question as earlier stated ;;1- on a "show truck" : 2- it's a rectangular ,in agreement with statement the flats of rec tank flex more leaving gap between strap and tank. most time it fills in with dirt or grit.
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