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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Ditchdiggerjcf

  1. Yep. He is rockin khakis, a sweater vest, and a twill ball cap. He has the look of a man that knows how to get stuff done. I like it.
  2. Manitowoc shovel piling it high. Old school. Gotta love it. Let's hope there is enough of that good ol american can do attitude to put this economy back together after the wuhan is gone.
  3. My dealer told me awhile back that mack quit supporting those trucks with parts. I hope aftermarket swoops in and does it, maybe PAI.
  4. They do the same thing with dump beds and excavator booms. I have seen it.
  5. Yep. I have spent some time in a DM. You have to get used to the offset. It's different.
  6. Makes you wonder if the cab offset was a visibility thing or just neccesary because the engine was sitting in the drivers lap.
  7. It looked like some good croc country behind that truck.
  8. Don't do the HF. They are flimsy as hell with that kind of weight. I have seen it.
  9. What was the U model built for. I know mack had a reason for that offset cab, I've just never heard it.
  10. Any truck tire place is going to have access to bias ply tires.
  11. I have seen bias ply tires at looney's tire in little rock. They are still made.
  12. I bet that little sucker is as handy as a pocket on a shirt. Is that a b or c model cat?
  13. Yep, the superdogs are nice. I can pick up the one near me cheap but it needs motor/trans which I have. The problem is the hood and the associated hardware. It is heavy spec though, 20 front and 44 rears. It was a tri dump truck so turning it into a lowboy tractor would be easy.
  14. That superdog calls to me. I know where one is sitting sans hood
  15. Someday whoever owns that outfit will die and their kids will sell that stuff. Gots to be patient.
  16. The ol boy have any rs/rl stuff?
  17. Nice part of the country. Great food. Might be worth a trip after the wuhan clears out.
  18. That one looks complete enough to restore.
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