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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Ditchdiggerjcf

  1. Better snatch that one up. It nneds to be preserved.
  2. I like the ol jimmy engines. They sound nice.
  3. How much?
  4. Hope he was kidding, either way, his bedside manner sucks. Who we kidding, they don't know shit anyway.
  5. I always thought the RD and DM were the same until recently. I parted out an old DM recently that had a frame with an 11" cross section and 3/8 thick.
  6. Seems to be some pretty piss poor damage control on that ship. Ship is in port so it should not be loaded with equipment. That doesn't leave much else to burn. How in the hell did they not get watertight doors closed to prevent/slow the spread of that fire so they could get a handle on it?
  7. Nigerians are buying the piss out of them though. I have a DM cab I will give away if you want to come get it. It is pretty well stripped.
  8. I saw 2 or 3 sitting in the weeds between AR and IL when I went to get the RS. They are around.
  9. I guess if I make this swap I might as well take the entire air ride cab system from the donor truck and do it all at the same time.
  10. That one is a total loss. Probably will never sail again.
  11. So let me get this straight. We have a leftie mod who has appointed another leftie mod, and they have in turn reinstated several left wing wackjob shitstirrers to the site? Am I following this right?
  12. I would be curious how many lost their life from riding on the back? I would venture not very damn many.
  13. Somebody's ass is gonna be in a crack
  14. Can the square fuel tanks on this unit be swapped out for the round ones? They are in rough shape and I have spare round ones.
  15. They are fun to poke fun at, but they vote, and that's no fun at all.
  16. You can't have concise debate with hardcore libs.
  17. Might be some leftie mods trolling us.
  18. Yep. Any way you twist it, what she did was a crime and would have gotten any of us locked up.
  19. I think you have me confused with someone else, but nice melt nonetheless.
  20. Having to unfook everything the idiot that had the truck before you did is SOP around my place. It usually takes a minute. Some of the stupid things they do are quite ingenious and difficult to spot without serious scrutinization.
  21. All mine have a slave cylinder on the passenger side.
  22. I'm going to RA all you unwoke white debils
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