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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Ditchdiggerjcf

  1. Can they be swapped with a hub change, or do I need to swap an entire axle?
  2. I could turn one of my old parts trucks into a fine service truck with that. You have the springs and hangers?
  3. What on god's green earth could y'all be doing that warranted a 20 hr day? I have literally NEVER seen the first structure fire on a military base. I have also never seen an aircraft go down near the field. I realize those things happen otherwise there would be no FD on base. I'm just saying they seem to be extraordinarily rare. I have seen the FD on base roll out on some extraordinarily petty things that didn't warrant their attention. I think they roll out of sheer boredom most of the time. I didn't mean to stomp on your toes.
  4. The truck does not have two steering boxes, or a slave cylinder on the passenger side. The other ones have always had that if the were 18/20k fronts.
  5. I'm just saying we should not be led to believe that those folks are killing themselves on a massively difficult gov job. Those don't exist in gov work, or union jobs either.
  6. Fronts are an FAW616D? That mean anything to anybody? 16k fronts?
  7. I would not compare your job to the average windowlicker that works for the state, but let's be honest, you are not killing yourself with that gig. As a navy man I have seen those many of those departments on base, and it sure as hell looked pretty cush to me. They barely ran any calls and damn sure were not dealing with near as many fires or car accidents like dept's out in the civilian world.
  8. 2 drives and a steer, or 2 drives and a pusher + steer? I was curious about the front axle weight rating. It must be an old truck. It has the tan interior and juice brakes on the front axle.
  9. You sir are an unwoke and racist PoS. I am inclined to RA your post... Just kidding
  10. RD685S6855 Anybody run a vin? How was this bulldog configured when it was born?
  11. I agree with most of what you say. The problem is there are very few moderate lefties still around. Most are way far left wack jobs.
  12. I could see where BMT could have a lot of leftie loons.
  13. I believe the DM's were the last of the R chassis trucks made. They are still around.
  14. Pretty dang nice, and I am not a B guy.
  15. Yep, dim bulbs always end up with union jobs or working for their local gov. It's a haven for dipshits. Only job they can hold down.
  16. You mean the NYT and the Atlantic are not legit news sources? Color me shocked.
  17. Meh, If you are sickly or skeerd, stay home.
  18. Sad, but expected from someone like that.
  19. Where is the ignore function? I caught myself looking but never found it.
  20. If you are elderly, and scared, stay at home.
  21. Do you know what a micron is? Do you know how masks work? It is obvious you do not.
  22. Can't think of one safety inspector I have ever had dealings with that was not a complete and utter douchebag. Something about the mentality of a person that would take a job like that must rub me the wrong way. I don't have much use for bootlickers.
  23. Masks are BS. They give a false sense of security to the ill informed and/or stupid people. For the record, we probably will not get an effective vaccine. If you are waiting on one to get on with your life, you may as well go ahead and slit your wrists.
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