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Everything posted by Dmurph2016

  1. So think I found the dryer, it’s the big blue thing?
  2. I completely understand, without being here is difficult and I am trying my best to understand, but I also don’t know very much myself so it is difficult.
  3. There is no air in the system so the axkes dropped, or they are overstretched? I’m not sure what that would look like? whays the ride back quick release? And what does the solenoid look like
  4. I just snapped a few pics, not sure if they help, but if you need any specific pics let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
  5. Isn’t that the valve that I just replaced? Not on the tank though. I’m going to assume the way it is setup is the way the body manufacture set it up, not sure why you’d go messing with what’s on what system?
  6. If green is primary then there is a major leak going on. I figured the red would be primary, reason being after 2-3 hours of sitting the red Harley moved while the green dropped down to almost below 60 or so. ( when you flip the switch for the lift axle green needle dropps, and when in the up position as the air drops to 60 the axle will drop down) I am assuming the lift axle was put on when the body was put on. I’ll have to look for the solenoid, I’m guessing it’s under the bed
  7. I’m going to find a shop and have them change them. I was thinking of just having them replace the rubber diaphragm, but it may make more sense to just replace the whole cans for the peace of mind. I have a feeling that could be part of the air leak I’ve got going on
  8. FullSizeRender.mov
  9. So little update, today I was able to install the new pressure valve. That I purchased yesterday. Take it off try to put the end one one, and the threads the wrong side. 40 min back to the dealer got the right one, put it on and it’s still leaking. ( I didn’t snug it up enough) so I gotta take the fittings off and do it again tomorow. While checking I put the parking brakes off and noticed this was hissing air. Only did it 2ce though so not sure if it’s just coincidental or not. See second video. then with the parking brake off, I was pumping the brakes is both needles supposed to drop? The green needle is the one that has the lift axle on it and has been dropping within a few hours of sitting. (First video ) IMG_1417.MOV
  10. It very well could be, the truck came from that area.
  11. Could be? Not sure what company that is.
  12. I figured that there had to be an air dryer but I’m just not seeing it. The guy I bought it from had a few other trucks that he ran, so I am not sure if the drivers were just lazy or what. I will admit I’m new and clueless so I may have overlooked some things when I looking at it, but hey nothing I can do but fix and move on. Chalk it up to life lesson. attached is a photo of the truck.
  13. I looked and I still for the life of me cannot find the air dryer. I’m not sure what the issue is with that. I called local Mack dealer and they have a pressure relief valve in stock so I will pick that up. I noticed this today, so looks like I’ll also be needing to replace at least 1 front brake can unless the hole is there for performance 😂 so add that to the list.
  14. I will have to call the dealer tomorrow and find out about the part. I was thinking about it earlier today, its going to take forever with the tire valve, so I think going in elsewhere May be faster. I need to find the filter and change that. Are the fittings something that I can get locally or will they need to be ordered?
  15. I’ll have to lift the body up, I’m sure it’s mounted under there. If I hook shop air up to the primary tank, will it also fill the secondary? And when it hits 120 or whatever the cutoff is it’ll release? I don’t want to blow anything up. Or should I look for the dryer and then connect into that instead of the tAnk? For the regulator thing with red cap, is that a dealer only part? I believe it’s a pressure protection valve? I’m going to assume it’s the diaphragms that are leaking. But going to start with the smaller things first.
  16. I didn’t see anything like that.. unless it’s under the dump bed. I didn’t see it on the frame. Unless it’s mounted on the engine? There’s no room on the sides as it’s fuel tanks, battery boxes and air tanks on both sides
  17. There’s a tire fill port on the primary air tank, if I can fill it from there? So I’ll need to replace the cutoff? Yes, the gauge is going to drop with the truck off and dropping the axle. But after sitting for 2-3 hours the axle is down as it’s lost too much air, so there has to be something leaking pretty good somewhere in that system. The other system loses air but not at that rate. Although with the truck off and press the pedal you can hear air from the back of the truck. So I’m making progress.
  18. I just went out and looked and I’m not seeing it. It’s also getting dark out so that may be a factor. I’m sure it’s right in front of my fave and I was looking right at it
  19. I have to look for the air dryer, I don’t know where it’s located.
  20. I have to figure out exactly what fittings I need and track some down. Hopefully in the next few days I’ll be doing that.
  21. So I only had a few min today to use the soap and water before the weather turned to rain, but here’s what I got done. stsrted the truck and let it air up until the governor shutoff. Shut the truck off. Could hear some air leaking from the front of the truck, o opened the hood and started spraying airlines. Not exactly sure what this thing is or does but it was bubbling at the red part. Secondly I confirmed that when I flip the switch to drop the lift axle, the green needle dropped. So it seems that there’s a leak somewhere in that system and when it loses pressure, the axle drops. It’s a start. Hopefully when the rain stops o can lift the bed up and start checking under there. As well as the brake cans as I have a feeling that could also be a culprit
  22. That is what I am working on, have to look and see where the fitting goes and what exactly I need. Have to look into that a bit more
  23. I think it will be once I can track down/stop some of the air leaks!
  24. If I make a fitting and hook it up to an air compressor does the pressure release or will I have to shut the air off myself? What exactly does airing up with a compressor do? I’ll have to look into it a bit more as I’m not exactly sure what fitting I’ll need or where they go.
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