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  1. I really dont know. The guy said exact same thing but i know how that goes lol
  2. Sorry the trans shop said the transmissions are the same thing just want to be sure. Exchange is 4k one year warranty
  3. I need a transmission rebuild for a t2180b 13 speed problem is everyone around me is pretty booked one place said that they have a t318lr for exchange can anyone here tell me for sure it would work? My truck is a 13 speed but i think if it had tbe different shifter it could be the 18 speed please correct me if wrong. Losing jobs like crazy lol. Thanks fuys
  4. Im going to repair the harness for now and see what it does. I know repairs on the harness isn't the "right" way but it seems to be my only option with no available stock for right now. I come across some used ones at vanderhags that say will need repaired in a few places for 700 dollars i think ill just repair this one one for 50 and see if it will run. The used ones are probably no better than what i got. Ill post back with our findings. I appreciate your help so far..
  5. Anyone need a really clean pinnacle with wet kit that dosen't run lol .
  6. Right i figured it would have some codes. It did have an inactive #1 injector code but none were active while it was running like crap. Im still thinking cups but going to have to do something with the harness. I know on 1 and 3 there were bare wires together. The engine kinda looks like it could have been into before just because of paint stick markings on the injector rockers and so on like they marked them when they set them but its hard to say. 49k miles is nothing but i know guys for a different oil field company that were doing cups every 20 k they say. 49k miles with a bunch of idle time whike on the job cant remember the hours right now but its more than 49k miles.. just hard to say i know they had replaced parts and was really hoping to not see any signs of the valve cover being off before.
  7. Part number should be 21401715
  8. I finally got around to pulling the valve cover on this thing. Found a whole bunch if bare wires on the injector harness seems odd that its so brittle already but anyway of course mack nor volvo show to have it in stock maybe one dealer in new york has one waiting to hear back. Not sure if this would be the problem but i know it cant ride like it is. And i guess its the whole damn harness anyone got one laying around or know where to source one at? 2008 mack chu mp8 last 8 8n003286
  9. Ok i will do that when i can source a banjo fitting. I appreciate the reply. I have a feeling its cups too but dont want to go through all that and it not do anything to fix the problem. If anyone knows about the upgraded cups vs oem injectors that would be great
  10. Anyine got any ideas or has anyone ever experienced a similar issue i know that it could be anything. I think that bad cups sometimes causes problems in the hand plunger on the filter head. Thats kinda where im at since it looks like everything was replaced up to the cups. I cant really see too much areated fuel in the tanks. Whats the best way to condemn the cups? If it is the cups can you replace with the upgraded cups without replacing the injectors or do u have to go back oem
  11. Im coming to you guys once again for help with this mack. First this truck was just purchased at an auction started and ran great there. it was an oilfield companies truck it has 49, 609 verified miles so obviously it has sat the majority of its life. Had it towed home got in it and maybe drove it 45 miles to have new rubber installed then it starts missing and wanted to die got it back home barely changed fuel filters then started noticing that it had a new looking filter head and a new looking fuel pump so i know mp8 engines had injection cup problems and thats is what im thinking. There are no codes and i changed the over flow valve pressurized the tank to help bleed out fuel system did not see any leaks etc. Truck was a long start and ran at idle fairly decent for 30 min. Then the miss returns and barely had enough power to back up 10 feet to get back in the shop. Just curious what you guys may think and if injection cups is having the truck sit for a long period could be what caused it with that low mileage or just that its dumb luck lol. I appreciate any help you guys could throw at me. Thanks..
  12. Thank you Mackpro that helps a bunch!
  13. I'm just trying to get an ideal on what the labor hours are on a head gasket replacement would be not counting the machine shop etc. Thanks for the help.
  14. Yes I have a feeling the officer will be on the lookout for the truck and it probably would not go in our favor. I will be doing what Joey mack has done. Thanks for all the input.
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