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  1. I check the lighting bolt and it didn’t come on
  2. I got a fuse diagram from Mack it seems to be that fuse 31 and 32 control the modules And those seem to be good Had a guy come with a diagnose computer and his computer didn’t read the truck we are going to change the modules and I’ll let you know if that’s the problem
  3. Fuel filters and fuel lines have all been replaced when the fuel pump was replace there is no signal to the pigtail tho thought it might be a fuse but don’t know exactly which one it is on the fuse box
  4. Hello Everyone, I have a 1994 Mack CH613 E7 350 and I am currently having problems with it the truck one day shut off while running and started off again it did it a second time and didn't start anymore. They said Fuel pump was bad had injection pump rebuild and would only stay on with starting fluid solenoid near the windshield motor was replace the engine was time again and so was the pump no diesel is going up to the injector lines. There is no current to the pump harness. I don't currently have any fuse diagram I dont know if the VMac ecm are bad which one is the one that sends signal to the fuel pump? Thank You all so much in advance
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