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Mike Harbison

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Everything posted by Mike Harbison

  1. I,found,pics.,i guess,if you want to see,get hold,of me somehow. Not in here,this site is same as,dead. Email,call me or preferable Facebook messenger,you,have,all my info,for those. How did the radiator neck and emblem work. Never got anything saying you recieved them.
  2. Wher its a non sleeper,makes it,that much worse. Hard to find,but see if you can find someone with a non,sleeper Cruiseliner. The one i had wasnt bad to get in and out of,at all,especially compared,to my non sleeper G753. I wish i still had to send pics,of the bottom part. I,do,have a couple cabs that have the handles still attatched,the top part reached over the top of the door. If,i find a pic,i will email,you,as this site still doesnt let me post pics. Or better,yet,contact me by messenger on Facebock. Mike Harbison Sr. Im out of hospital,again after another nice 20 day stay,and trying to get back,to old trucks.
  3. Thats looking nice. So many look out of,proportion especially in the front. Like,the colors,too. Something differnt. Good work.
  4. Looked poorly listed andmadvertised. Anyone,know the sale price?
  5. I would get 10 to 10.5 mpg with my 65 twin screw ,711 with a 18 speed Quad and 5:73 rears,going to Walcott pulling my empty 46 LaCrosse lowboy and i did bobtail it to the ATHS convention in Milwaukee. I thought that was pretty good considering i had my foot on the floor most of the time,2000 to 2150 all the time.
  6. This particular one was sold long ago,but i do have a couple others like it. I even have a nickle or chrome plated one off a firetruck
  7. She was a great gal,always enjoyed our visits at the shows,and the time she convoyed with a bunch of us from one of the conventions was a great time. She'll definitely be missed by many.
  8. The Magnums and Freedoms didnt have any special serial number.
  9. Finding anything for that engine is going to be costly.
  10. Thats a nice H. Nothing like a Mack rollback truck
  11. The B75 had a longer hood,and was actually designed for the Western Market. The length laws were different out west. When they first came out,they used the same radiator and stamped steel shell, but later went to the larger aluminum radiator. There were 3 versions of the B75. A straight 75 had a non turbo END673,the 711 was an option after 1962. The B753 was powered by the turbo ENDT673,and then there was the B755 which came with the END864 V8 diesel. The L model cab was a available optiom on these also.
  12. The big dark green cover Mack service manuals are really the best to get. Just gotta get the older one
  13. One very major flaw I see,kinda hard to believe someone would go to that much work and then totally drop the ball on the hood ornament. Incorrect Bulldog and no mount,bolted it right to shell. I try not to be a nitpicker,as scratches,dents,rust , run or 2,stuff like that dont bother me as most of my stuff has most I mentioned,but the one thing that really bothers me is a modern dog where a old style one should be.
  14. I've got a G733 parts truck,id imagine springs are the same
  15. Says that its a R611 according to the serial number so its very possible it has a Fuller transmission. My F711 has a RTO910 that factory installed.
  16. There wasn't any single axle Magnums
  17. Do you still have your B model,Glenn ?
  18. Evidently it must not be happening. I woulda thought Barry or someone else from Watts would have answered,but maybe they don't participate here anymore.
  19. Definitely not in my opinion j
  20. It was always the called 12 days of Xmas sale,tomorrow's the 13th,i sure wouldn't think that's early. It was always announced in advance.
  21. Anybody know if Watts is doing a X,as special on parts like they used to? I was hoping to get a set or 2 of hubcaps.
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